Saturday, August 22, 2009

Computers and Wasps

Your service will be activated on the 24th June at midnight; So say BT when they sent me my hub to connect my computer to the wireless system. Well we struggled for a few days to connect to the internet and eventually it began too work in a fashion for a few days. Until one morning, no connection, no association, nil, etc. Yesterday after a visit from a BT engineer it is finally working, almost two months to the date.
Technology is brilliant but it is exceedingly frustrating when it refuses to co-operate. To be quite honest it even would'nt work for the engineer and he got a bit confused when the hub would'nt let him access its secret, my computer programmes were overhauled, throw out Norton he says, cut out the other stations that seem to arrive on my router, all this was done after two hours and now it works. Wireless is not the 100 per cent whizz kid its cracked up to be but considering computers have'nt been around that long I suppose the internet has taken long strides of success. And yes we signed to the contract that is called Home IT Call, whereby phoning someone (probably in India) they can take over your computer thousands of miles away and fix it (hopefully).
This is the time of year when wasps make an appearance, as we picnic or dine out they appear as unwelcome guests. Apparently something to do with the queen dying and the drones having a last feast. Earlier this week eating out in the garden with friends I got stung by one of the wasps, people were flapping around, something you should never do as it makes them angry. Next day I took a ham sandwich out to eat, and a wasp duly appeared, and very beautifully and delicately sliced a small piece of ham off my sandwich on the plate and then flew off with it - makes you think - perhaps if we could leave an offering of food for the wasps, both the human and insect species would be happy.
There is also good news this morning for the great yellow bumble bee in Scotland, which seems to becoming scarce. The bees are happiest in the wild machair grasses with the abundant flowers that seem to provide plenty of pollen over a long period. Well there is to be a two million pound grant to farmers and crofters to manage the machair, grazing etc so that the bee and such birds as the corn crake can be saved from becoming extinct in this part of the world.


  1. SNAP to your BT problems - we had them too and they too took two months to fix, as the real problem was in the line which needed replacing (think c.1955 here - the first bit to be installed, just after electricity came to this hamlet). Anyway, it's all repaired and replaced now, and we have the wood from the branches which had t be cut back, and the best broadband connection ever, so perhaps being totally bereft was worth it. . .

    You make the Essex countryside look more interesting than I have ever found it in our holidays at my b-in-law's. We usually ventured over the Suffolk border and explored there instead. Fascinating little churches you know about - I do enjoy reading about them.

  2. Hi BB,
    Its even working faster now my internet connection plus it comes on immediately when I first plug it in the morning.
    As for Essex, its a funny place, lots of little lanes joining on to large highways. As for the people, when we'd been to St.Cedd, drove into St.Laurence's Bay, a marina on the estuary, rows of identikit bungalows which were very depressing plus the pub at the end of the causeway full of posh sport cars.. this is what you see in Essex different facets, pubs with flash cars and loudmouthed estate agents..but there are pretty little villages with lovely traditional houses (with expensive price tags though)


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