England is at its glorious best, the white blossom of blackthorn powder puffs the hedgerows its whiteness set against the new green of willows and hawthorns. The Viper pub hidden in the woods is full of people taking a late lunch in the garden, children scamper around, the little white sealyham is still on the scrounge for food and yellow brimstones track up and down.

Clear blue skies, no planes to mark their trail across, what an odd few days it has been. A warm day, trip to buy some plants and the cherry blossom looking gorgeous. Tried to photograph the pulmonaria bee, not sure of its proper name, but goes under the heading of solitary bees. It has a long proboscis to delve deep into the flowers and acts like a humming bird on the blossom but it is too fast, so I caught this large bee instead.

A most excellent little pub serving good food and a selection of real ales (try their Jake the Snake which is on tap all year round :-) The Viper also hosts two real ale beer festivals - one over the Easter bank Holiday and another over the August Bank Holiday.
ReplyDeleteThe expert opinion of course, though slightly handicapped by the fact you have to drive home ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat pub, remember it well. Sitting outside in the sunshine sipping a cool beer...mmm