This small promontory fort is being eroded by the sea, and is rather dangerous to venture around, but it is to be found next to a beautiful little cove with the same name. The best thing to do is to park your car at the little NT car park just off the bottom of the hill at Nine Wells, outside Solva.
There is a holiday cottage and a small camping site to the right, where I have often camped.
Car parked and then wander down the path towards the sea, this path skirts an old temporary airfield, though you would'nt know it now, as it is more of a nature reserve, though I believe there was also a cromlech here as well amongst the gorse bushes.
You come to a gate and before the sea and the little cove, its a pretty place here, a stream runs down to the sea and the land is very boggy and full of flowers.
There is a holiday cottage and a small camping site to the right, where I have often camped.
Car parked and then wander down the path towards the sea, this path skirts an old temporary airfield, though you would'nt know it now, as it is more of a nature reserve, though I believe there was also a cromlech here as well amongst the gorse bushes.
You come to a gate and before the sea and the little cove, its a pretty place here, a stream runs down to the sea and the land is very boggy and full of flowers.
Take the left hand path and after about a hundred metres the promontory fort will be on your right. It has been excavated and about eight huts were found, giving it a date about the middle Iron ages, iron working and bead making were also carried on according to this report.
Remedial work on the footpath round this area in 2006 highlights the need for protection of our cliff paths and the archaeological sites that are fast disappearing into the sea because of climate change.
Remedial work on the footpath round this area in 2006 highlights the need for protection of our cliff paths and the archaeological sites that are fast disappearing into the sea because of climate change.
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