I quite like the idea of the following being gypsy horses, as they are of course, they have the unkempt air of freedom as they graze the large water meadows down by the river. The two foals are gorgeous and the handsome black gelding has that heavy thickness of a good cart horse. Captured under the willow having a doze, he takes one's mind back to a more peaceful time, when horses ploughed the fields and the world moved at a slower pace.

Nostalgia.... Gilbert O'Sullivan's name came up on the radio, gosh says I to my love I used to fancy him, though looking at that bouffant hair style not quite sure why. Only to be told that he had actually gone to art school with him and sold him a fireman's jacket for 10 bob (don't ask).
Anyway his music reminded me of Top of the Pops and my daughter teaching my little son to dance on thursday evenings....
Definitely a good helping of Shire blood in the black horse . . . Here in Wales they used to breed what were known as "Colliers" - Shire x local rough cobs. He is just the sort. I must confess I prefer my coloured horses with more dark than white and am not keen on the ones with "Jack Russell" markings!