Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th July Happy Independence Day

Confined as I am, that makes me giggle, still have not got my wheel chair or the Strider I am going to rent.  We came home with the wrong wheel chair yesterday, so Paul is going to change it this morning.  I watch my birds from the window, jackdaws have fledged, gold finches preen themselves on the wire.  Butterflies have appeared as well, the small buddleia is in flower but not the large..  Roses cascade from vases, so life is colourful.  Tomorrow we go along the dreaded A64 to York hospital, I have decided not to have a second operation, so hopefully there will not be too more many visits.
One thing that came out of the visit to Bath by my daughter, was, hopefully, a strengthening bond between my two children.  She 'advised' him on the redecoration of his house and said she would keep in touch.  Not that they were ever at odds but she hated her stepfather, slowly as our worlds begin to fold creating stable relationships becomes important.  Think it is called karma (we are the heirs of our own actions) though Paul says I am building up a lot for when he becomes ill!
Something taken from Gnat Bottomed Towers blog, sure she won't mind.

I just love Morris dancing, it is old England translated into modern interpretation, bawdy, happy and lots of stick hitting to the rhythm of the music.  It is local, regional and makes for happy festivals on sunny days.


  1. The Ryedale Dragon is a fascinating article thank you. Right up my street!

    1. Thanks for the video as well. I think the Levisham church is not in use anymore and can only be reached through a trackway through fields. Must check, though any trips are off limits atm.

  2. Loved the video.
    I now have an image of you whizzing round your village in this wheelchair when it arrives.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Bit difficult to rush around, we have only one direction to go, but you can scoot on the Strider which the hospital recommends.


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