Thursday, August 12, 2021

Climate Change

Bill McKibben recently praised Bill Gates for “his membership in the select club of ultra-billionaires not actively attempting to flee Earth”.

As I read my emails this morning, Greenpeace was saying 'I told you so' but of course they did not want to say it. For we are beginning to see the full weight of Climate Change affecting our planet.  Fires erupting everywhere, there will be excuses of course from governments but as the weather deteriorates we will all be caught up in the storm.
What makes me so sad, is all the life that Earth holds precious will become extinct.  Can you not think of the list, it is enormous, the lions, elephants, giraffes, the great whales of the sea, the trees, plants and what in the end will be left?
Today in my comfort zone I watched a herd of orphaned elephants led by a matriarchal female taken down a track to wander their way through the environment of their habitat.  They are orphaned by poachers who kill the adults.  After their valuable ivory tusks but even this crime seems a lesser evil than the wanton destruction of their world and ours.
Everywhere on my F/B account there are heartwarming stories of animals yet this is not the whole picture, cruelty lives alongside us, even if we do pretend it doesn't exist. Small wars rage across the
world as opposing sides try to inflict their beliefs and power over others.
I despair that we learn nothing that the same attitude of economic success still runs our world, that the people who govern us are scared cowards afraid to actually acknowledge the future they are leaving our children and grandchildren.
So I may not yet join Extinction Rebellion, but I shall definitely cheer them on  in their protest on the 23rd August, because someone somewhere has to be doing something about it! 


  1. Things at the moment are not good - it is hard to find anything to be upbeat about isn't it? I have written a similar post Thelma - not that it does any good but getting it off my chest makes me feel a bit better.

  2. Well our lives go along untrammelled Pat, so that is a positive upbeat but the dark clouds that loom won't go away.


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