Monday, August 2, 2021

Putting one's thoughts online

Being scared of judgement!  I have written a lot on my blog, chattering away to myself about churches, megaliths, family and animals, strangely it is for me at least I am not used to a wider audience and yet they have popped (I wrote pooped) in and in their warm and gentle ways have uplifted me.  I do not like conflict, yet will quite happily charge in with fury about our governance and the people who make it turn.  Also by the way I hate bullying and the putting down of people it shows an arrogance and superiority which I will quite happily hit on the head, tapping down like one of those wooden children's toys.

My reading matter in the morning, is online journalists, Bylines Time (I pay a subscription) comes to mind as does Paul Waugh of the Huffington Post. Then there is Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times and of course the good old Guardian (also on subscription).  I notice I lean away from the newspapers nowadays, they are so full of nonsense.

Wider audience by the way means some 'bots' have crept in, technically engineered I believe by the web and fairly harmless, mine come from that ice cold country called Sweden, so if my thousand Swedish audience are reading me - hi, I rather you went away though because no matter how many Youtube videos I click on I can't get rid of that bot...

Technology is good, though Alexa this morning would not switch on to radio 4 and kept mumbling about SW radio.  I have a Smart phone, and have sussed out that it is Android, whatever that means, but it is being difficult over transferring photos to my computer.  My computer refuses to open the photos but I am sure there is a hidden switch in there waiting to unlock, or I shall just have to buy myself another camera. Joy!!


  1. You have such beautiful pictures, and your opinions seem very sensible to me. I enjoy your blog. Thank you.

  2. Thanks Debby, something upset me a few days ago and I wrote it out of my system ;)

  3. Nope ;) you are such a straight talker, it is good to read you.


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