Thursday, February 20, 2025

20th February 2025

Idly thumbing through a small book by Virginia Woolf, it is a chapter from 'A Room of One's Own', the chapter is called 'Liberty'.  Woolf writes on how women through the ages belonged, I can think of no better word, to men.  The middle class woman was earmarked, often from a baby, to marry into her equivalence.  No matter that she may have wanted different her life was set in stone by men.  Woolf muses on the fact that what would have happened if Shakespeare had had a sister, what would have happened to her? She imagines her going up to London and presenting herself at a theatre because she wanted to be an actress.  Being laughed out of the circle of men who only looked upon her as a 'piece of flesh'. She is rescued by a theatre manager, but hey babe, she gets pregnant by him and has a child.  So what does she do?  Yes, she kills herself, because she loses respect in the eyes of the people around her.

Enough of that.  I have been musing on what to wear to the wedding of my first grandchild to get married.  This marriage will take place in August of this year and the two young people are already preparing for it.  What present shall I buy for them, or perhaps money.  I remember the wedding list we prepared in my first marriage to Tom's grandfather.  There was a teamaker.  It produced after a lot of grumbling percolating noises a hideous cup of stewed tea, and you had to go and get the milk out of the fridge anyway.  There was a china dinner set, ivy leafed round the edges, towels and a silver tea service, which meant I had to clean it, till eventually it went to the back of the cupboard.

So I went to 'Seasalt' for a dress, there is a simple pretty blue one that took my fancy, but I shall need to shorten the hem - is it too early?  No hat, small people look silly in hats.  A cardigan rather than a jacket, I hate the idea of dressing up just for the day.  But...............did I ever expect to see my grandchildren married?? especially in this day when we live with our partners without the legal code of marriage.  So it is a good time still to be alive and experiencing the life events we all go through.


  1. Remember that commercial that said, "we've come a long way, Baby"! But obviously we haven't come far enough and "they" are trying to drag us back!?!
    Congrats to your grandchild on the upcoming wedding! Maybe they will have a gift registry and something memorable will appeal to you to give them... I can't imagine what young people want today...

  2. Well feminists have come along way of late Ellen, equality still drags its heels in some countries but I think it will change.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Fortunately my nephew and his wife earn good money but truly, when I think what their wedding cost, how much better the money would have been spent on buying a home. They did both, fortunately. Go on, do it properly and get a jacket and a small hat. When you take that last check in the mirror as you are leaving home, you'll think, I look pretty damn good.

  5. Those hats are called fascinators, They are ridiculous scribbles of bits of stuff which you attach to your hair Andrew;)

  6. How marvellous to see one of your grandchildren married with your blessing. It is something I know that I shall never witness.


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