Saturday, February 8, 2025

8th February 2025

How can the heart be sad and happy at the same time I wonder.  Listen to Erland Cooper's music-folded Landscape.  He was born in Orkney so his music has all the pathos and yet the beauty of these empty landscapes.  Voices intermingle with the music, songs break in and this young lad stands solemn and still.

Today another three Israeli hostages have been released, thin and gaunt they arrive to the rapturous joy of their relatives and also the Palestinian prisoners released fold into the arms of their relatives.

Cruelty exists side by side with compassion, two opposites and yet one needs the other.

Which in turn reminds me of another composer of the 20th century.  John Tavener and 'The Protecting Veil'. Religious music at its best.



  1. It's so sad to see the cruelty and greed and hate. Why can't we learn, Thelma?

  2. I don't know the answer to that Ellen.

  3. I question the word "we", Ellen. There are millions of people in this world who DO see it clearly. Unfortunately, we do not hold the keys to the kingdom.


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