The cold continues, my daughter bravely faces her train journey each day in the face of delayed trains and missing train drivers. But the tree ents have not fallen dead on the tracks of late so that is one blessing.
In one of the articles I put on recently, George Orwell was mentioned as some sort of instigator for the far right in America. Well I never knew his outspokenness in a particular time of history would reach down to the American way of life, or that he would be read there even.
Well perhaps people should read or listen to Rebecca Solnit's - Orwell Roses and learn a little more about the man. I find Solnit a very good writer, though a little sweary on F/b when it comes to the two protagonists ready to take over the world. I find this rather funny, am I frightened? No is the answer.
But to get back to Orwell, he was a man of principle............... 2+2=4 principle and as Laura Beers in her book Orwell's Ghosts, here I am quoting,
his core belief was not in free speech, but true speech. That is not the freedom to insist that “two plus two equals five” – no matter how many followers you have. And this subtle but profound difference jars against a more fundamentalist American conception of a sacred right to free speech, consecrated in the first amendment.
Back to that old word 'truth' and how we use it. The truth of the matter is? we have lost our way of thinking. I am always going to believe in the world of science and that we are in the process of climate change and that we should do something about it. But I am not going to read every for and against argument that litters the way. I can see it happening in other parts of the world, the climate is definitely getting worse, it is up to us humans to protect the Earth, not just for ourselves but for every creature that occupies this land we all live upon. If I see another poor stranded polar bear on an iceberg or a grief stricken Orca carrying her dead calf on her back I shall litter my blog with the awfulness of what other people and animals go through. But I don't.
"I still think the revolution is to make the world safe for poetry, meandering, for the frail and vulnerable, the rare and obscure, the impractical and local and small." ~ Rebecca Solnit