"Bees in Maoxian County, at the border between China and Nepal, are now extinct, forcing people to pollinate apple trees by hand. It takes 20 to 25 people to pollinate 100 trees, a task that can be performed by just two bee colonies"
The Guardian also has a fold out poster of all the creatures becoming extinct in Britain, another sombre message. Originally there were 19 bumble bee species in this country at the beginning of the 20th century, now there are only 6 species. They seem plentiful this year, and the plants both wild and domestic have flowered well after the late start to summer warmth. They are already predicting that this weekend will be hot, not good news for the tennis players at Wimbledon.
Not only Wimbledon dominates our tv but football as well, an email from my granddaughter asked which side I wanted to win - actually I hope England loses tomorrow and then life will become more peaceful. Someone in the neighbhourhood has one of those wretched noise making horns that are the rage in South Africa, hopefully a parent will consign it to the dustbin soon...
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