Tuesday, October 28, 2014

An elephant cries

“How monotonous our speaking becomes when we speak only to ourselves! And how insulting to the other beings – to foraging black bears and twisted old cypresses – that no longer sense us talking to them, but only about them, as though they were not present in our world…Small wonder that rivers and forests no longer compel our focus or our fierce devotion. For we walk about such entities only behind their backs, as though they were not participant in our lives. Yet if we no longer call out to the moon slipping between the clouds, or whisper to the spider setting the silken struts of her web, well, then the numerous powers of this world will no longer address us – and if they still try, we will not likely hear them.” 
― David AbramBecoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology

Naamfon settling in happily 
These words are part of the rescue story of this elephant.

"As we stood in silence, smiles on our faces, we all simultaneously drew our breath and said, ‘Did you see that’?? A large tear had rolled down Naamfon’s face and down her trunk. And then there was another and another…. Then, Naamfon gently selected a sweet banana, wrapped her trunk around it, closed her eyes and lowered her head. She stood there, still as a statue for almost a minute, holding on to this one banana…. We stood, wide eyed, almost in disbelief – was she praying? Was she giving thanks? Who knows. But one thing was very clear, she was sharing an emotional moment with us..."

http://www.blesele.org/katherines_journal/          Highlight and right click if you want to go to her journal

This photo was taken by Peter Yuen

This story I came across yesterday, about a 63 year old elephant called Naamfon, who had been rescued by BLES in Thailand, once at the sanctuary the elephants are given a good retirement.  Naamfon owners were not cruel but had to make a living by giving 'tourist rides' on their elephants, but Naamfon was tired and broken and getting old so they let her go with many tears on their part.  I make this point because we see animals suffering but it is because the humans are also suffering....  This organisation and the Moon bears rescue centre pass through my F/B news every day, but to be honest there is a growing awareness in these Asian countries of how cruelty affects the animals, a slow but sure sign that cruel practices are being questioned and eventually right action will be taken.

As for the top quote, I shall write about Abram's book one day, at the moment reading it, some criticise his effusive writing but his description of a 'sky burial' suddenly brought a vivid picture of the Seahenge 'upturned' tree in its circle of wooden posts and it is the point of the written word to at least fill our imagination.....

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are right Thelma - these things do happen slowly - there are still many animals in the world who are suffering greatly - and people too come to that.


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