Friday, July 7, 2017

friday - 7th July

I am often awake around five in the morning, today it was misty but the sun was starting to shine through the trees.  Yesterday coming back from the hospital in York we hit the biggest storm of rain I have ever seen.
Like most of the people in the village, we cut off from the busy A64 across country lanes through the Castle Howard estate.  It was when we hit the long carriage roads that lead up to that ugly obelisk. Narrow, with single car arches they stretch for a couple of miles. And to digress, can you not imagine trotting along there in your carriage and horses, rather bored out of your mind with the length of the journey, a true 'Sense and Sensibility' experience.  The rain plus hail started.  Soon it was sheeting down, the lanes had streams of water running down the sides of the road and as the water cascaded down the windscreen rendering the road almost invisible it was scary.  Great waves seem to fall over the car when we hit the main road and lorries went by.  
We got back to our village and the storm had yet to strike, so Paul rushed off to collect Lucy who had been looked after by a friend. She is a good dog revelling in the fact that she no longer has to walk great distances and demanding that she be spoilt and pampered like me ;).  If she had been trained young she would have made a good service dog , but she helps in her own way!
I don't have to go back to the hospital for four weeks, but need not put any weight on my ankle for that period, the surgeon discussed the possibility of another operation (which I refused), we again had problems with x-rays but luckily my plaster stayed on this time.
Today is a home day waiting for the Strider to come, not the one in 'Lord of the Ring' I notice that Philip Pullman is releasing a new book on the 19th October - The Book of Dust.  I have ordered books today but they are for my son and grandchildren, sensible book do it yourself books!


  1. Sounds as though your ankle is progressing. Do take care of it - my problem began with a broken ankle which eventually - after a few years - got arthritis in it and that has just got worse. So take great care.
    I thought you were probably getting a storm over your way. When I walked Tess, spots of rain were falling but over in the east the sky was incredibly black.

    1. It became very dark, and produced a terrible storm. I was warned about the arthritis, but the operation is only a 50/50 % success.

  2. That sounds like Welsh rain - we have had torrents here in the past and the run-off from the fields turn our little lanes into rivers, full of rubble and rocks from trackways.

    I hope you are able to rest your ankle properly so that it is completely healed and you can avoid any further surgical interference.

    1. Thanks Jennie, I can just imagine that turbulent little river of yours flooding ;). Sitting with one's leg up most of the time is boring but I shall learn to use the Strider scooter to get around.


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