Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sunday Morning listening to carols on Radio 3

I shiver slightly  in front of the computer, Mollie wants the bed so I must get up. Her incessant meowing tells me this.  I have changed the font on my blog, (nanum gothic) the letters are thinner but more rounded.  I wonder if I can thank Eric Gill for this? An interesting person who would  definitely be 'cancel culture' now if all his various sins came to life.  But foolish young people what would you write with?

Have you ever met an 'erotic lawn  roller' for instance? Gill was everything art based and if you read the second link below you will know my interest in the Augustinian Llanthony Priory that is part of the valley in the Black Mountains which he and his family lived.
 Gosh when I plunder past blogs of mine what delicious  things roll up.  Eric Gill lived in Wales, where all sensible people should live if they wish to escape this world.  He lived  in Capel-y-Ffin down a narrow lane.

Well apart from Eric Ravilious who  visited Gill at his Welsh (see James Russell link down below for the work) retreat there was one of the Beat poets - Allen Ginsberg also who made their way down the narrow lanes of this part of Wales  on their way to Hay-on-Wye.  And you will find a poem written by Ginsberg down below. 

          North Stoke: Books and memories

As Weaver said when I found this meme, that it was her philosophy as well.

Wales Visitation
White fog lifting; falling on mountain-brow
Trees moving in rivers of wind
The clouds arise
as on a wave, gigantic eddy lifting mist
above teeming ferns exquisitely swayed
along a green crag
glimpsed thru mullioned glass in valley raine—


  1. Aside from small, medium, large, I didn't know about changing the font in Blogger. I must investigate.

    1. It is the 'A' in the black box, near the beginning Andrew

  2. I did not know about changing the font, either. I also had never heard the term 'shank's pony' before. That lawn roller is quite the opposite of a holy roller, innit? (Although I have never seen sex - if that is even what is happening there - look more uncomfortable!) A healthy 23 mile walk?!!! A 2318 page publication???? Oy. I'd hate to be carrying that while trotting along on shank's pony!

    1. Having looked around, I think that you should give us a tutorial on the mysteries of font change.

  3. See above Debby. But there is a long line of things to do with your blog at the top of the blog page. It is quite important to think how your words are written, I think Nanum Gothic slightly better than the Verdana I used to use and it is fun to experiment. Shank's pony as you are no doubt aware now means walking on two legs. For instance Lillie needing to go into Hebden Bridge this morning used Shank's pony and walked to her work, because her train wasn't working.

    1. How to put this politely about Eric Gill. He was a thoroughly revolting man as far as sex was concerned and his work cannot escape this. So in your mind you must separate his artistic work from the person he was.

    2. Indeed..there are a few like that. Possibly more than a few.
      Hi, via Debby's blog.
      Llanthony, coming over from Hay on Wye... wonderful and inspiring places

  4. Hello GZ, I think many of us fall in love with Wales, probably because the landscape is difficult to farm and a lot of it is wild. Hay-on-Wye was of course taken over by a would be king, Richard Booth and declared a separate state but I don't think it lasted long and was just a bit of fun.

  5. Listening to carols while doing chores is wonderful.

  6. Have a good Christmas Liam, one good thing about carols is the Festival of the Nine lessons and Carols, that always send a shiver down my back when the first note rings out.


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