What happened yesterday in the Oval office of the White House was a disgusting theatre show of two bullies in the school yard. Zelensky was set upon without mercy by two arrogant men who are scheming and maneuvering for their own benefit. Forget about all those young men killed in war between the Russians and the Ukrainians - they are dispensable, disposable? against the need to grab mineral wealth that lies in Ukrainian territory.
So I also will keep the Ukrainian flag at the side of my blog as a sign of my support and I hope Britain and Europe will keep to their promises of support for the country.
Things may change but right and wrong does not. The moral code of the three men - The Orange One, Muskrat and Vile Vance has been bleached out of their souls!
And now to something gentler, the River Ter in Essex. Small gentle river winding between willows, often clogged by fallen trees and over exuberant water plants and very occasionally had fish in it.
I am deserted once again this weekend, Andrew up to Devon to visit his grandchildren, my daughter to London to visit the two girls.
No I did not go down the stairs backwards this morning saying 'White Rabbit' the March Hare is not going to get me yet...