Friday, March 21, 2025

21st March 2025


Summer. Did you notice our one day of warmth yesterday.  The weather is changing today!

I have just eaten breakfast, never talk about food much.  But it was a favourite, large chestnut mushrooms on sourdough with garlic and Maggi for flavour. Lunch will be a homemade soup and the main meal of the day depends on who is cooking.  Last night for instance it was a chicken stew, tonight it maybe a takeaway.
I have just been watching a video on rations in the last war, the fat content was very meagre and the person who was doing a week long experiment said she  felt hungry all day but more energised.

There is also news of the fire in the substation near Heathrow airport and the airport closed down till midnight, throwing passengers into disarray as they find themselves in different parts of the world.  There is also this rather disturbing news on Sky News a French researcher has been denied entry to the US for what he has written in messages on his phone about Trump.

The other good news, and the reason I was thumbing through my photos, was that they were saying on the news that a new forest will be planted in the South-West of England.  That's funny, they were talking about it 14 years ago, or nearabout. I think that this is called 'carrot dangling' to keep us happy in this time of difficulties.  Anyway I did not find the photos.  Land like this up at North Stoke.


  1. i also heard the forest thing.... a target of 16% ish of the country to be covered in trees by 2050..... bit of a pipe dream innit - you can't decide to build on all the land for houses then decide you want it all to be trees - it doesn't add up

    1. They talk of 'corridors' for the birds and animals, then the hedging gets cut down for large expansive fields. I don't know who will win in the end, people or wildlife.

    2. nature will eventually win...... but who knows what nature it will be..... probably mosses

  2. My breakfast is almost always the same - a bowl of cheerios and honey nut cheerios mixed together with a bit of milk on it all. How boring I am!
    I don't think anyone should risk coming here as it's crazy right now.

  3. Well at least you enjoy your breakfast Ellen, though cheerios are not the best start to the day ;)

    1. The box says they will help lower my cholesterol, Thelma!

    2. Don't believe everything they write on boxes Ellen ;)

  4. Why would authorities be going through the researcher's phone messages? I think there may have been an alert on him.

  5. We are now living in a different age Andrew. Learn to distrust and be suspicious. Luckily we can't all be locked up.


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