Thursday, March 20, 2025

20th March 2025 - Welcome Spring

 Words: Thank you Murr  for these three, "petrified pansies of progressivism" those of us who think that Climate Change is being woke  will enjoy being a pansy.

Up against the wall!

I love pansies by the way they freely seed themselves everywhere, they have such sweet faces, it is the viola, that tiny heart-shaped flower called Heartsease which is the prettiest.

Well parts of the family are back.  Lillie arrived from London, Andrew in the morning and Karen in the afternoon.  She had made an appointment at the doctors (same day) and had been triaged over the internet, and the doctor deemed it serious enough for an appointment, so she arrived in Tod, went to the doctors, and got all of her prescriptions as well in less than under an hour.  

As in many parts of the country we do not have enough doctors at our enormous clinic, so people get passed down the line to faraway doctors.  The problem of course starts at the reception desk, so the poor receptionists are at the mercy of patients on the phone but they are slowly changing things in the 'white elephant' of a clinic that was built a few years ago..  There are stupid things patients do - I mean everyone call at eight in the morning, it stands to reason you are going to be put on hold. 

 Anyways, someone wrote on the local thread how GOOD the service was, and mostly everyone agreed with her, except the 'negative nellies' another two words to add to the pot.

I have been collecting the writings of discontent around the world as the insane mess that Tr*ump/M*sk are creating unfolds.  I love the following song from Canada.  A battle cry maybe and childish to boot, but far from being leaders of the world, the world has turned on them with the power of words to show up their foolishness.  Funny coincidence, the polar bear in Dark Materials, the one that Lyra rides is a Pansbjorn. 


  1. Best year ever for wild violets in the garden. There is a link I think between violets and orange-tipped butterflies which like to lay their eggs under their leaves. I feel in my bones it is going to be a good year in the garden. Yesterday we walked out through the gate in our meadow and onto the ancient drove road which is carpeted with wild primroses just starting to flower. On our first evening here in April 2018 we went through the old broken down gate and were greeted by thousands of primroses. It instantly transported me to Easter holidays in Devon and I knew at that moment all would be well. Listening to Radio 3 now which has just had John Craven of Newsround and Countryfile fame talking about nightingales. I count myself a fortunate soul that nightingales still nest and sing in my wild scrubby woodland that runs along the back of my garden and meadow. There are old ivy-clad oaks with dead branches, storm damaged ash and willow trees, the odd Scots pine and an understorey of bramble and nettle, primrose, violet and English Bluebell. Welcome Spring. Sarah x

    1. Every year I had looked out for the violets at Normanby they grew in the church yard in a place they were safe from the gardener's lawn mower. It must be very special to have nightingales around, I suppose your area is one of the few lasting places for them to nest. I seem to be still waiting for more Vivaldi on Radio 3 but perhaps I miss it as I wander around. Your place sounds lovely, protect it well Sarah. x

  2. It must be nice to have some family back with you.

    We have something new here, something like what you might know as NHS walk in medical centres. I plan to post about them.

    The Canadian song is good.

    1. Well would you believe it Karen and Matilda are off to Switzerland next weekend to visit that branch of the family Andrew. I think a certain amount of our doctors have emigrated to Australia - the pay is better.

  3. You've reminded me that I should pick up some pansies to plant. I love that sweet flower.
    My Grandmother was called Nellie and she was a positive, strong, loving force in my life. Her name at birth was Ellen so I am named after her but she was always called Nellie and never negative! ;)

    1. Nellie was quite a popular name quite a while ago. Today children are called strange film or television names Ellen.

  4. you just reminded me of a comedian called Dave Gorman, who, as part of his show, collects little bitsof "internet discussion" and turns them into what he calls, found poetry - i heartily recommend anyone to google Dave Gorman's found poetry and to watch one or two of them...... thanks

    1. Okay will go and look for him. Some entertainers sing songs also about the news.

  5. I heard a report that said that Canada was considering closing its airspace off to American planes. Which would be a very isolating move for Alaska. I don't understand what our aim even is at this point. It's craziness. I heard that Germany is actually warning its citizens to avoid travel to the US after German visitors were held in detention. I'm not sure of the details of that one. I've sent off emails to my congressmen, but feel at this point that it is just shouting into the void. No one is listening.

  6. And a French scientist was also held in the US for writing things on his phone about Trump. I think the notorious three are rushing around like toddlers smashing everything in sight but people are collecting in church and town hall at meetings to try to understand what is going on Debby.


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