Thursday, April 14, 2011

Books on the move


Yesterday whilst walking down to our retail centre over the green, happened to spy a book on a bench. So went over and picked it up. It was a Margaret Atwood book, deliberately left to be picked up it had gone 'wild'. The name of the person was inside alongside the number of the book, with email address....
So I logged on added that I picked this book up, I think part of the campaign (there are I believe a million books out there) is to see how far they travel.
Well as there are 600 odd pages to read my temporary loan will be quite long, mulling over where to leave it, maybe York Station or even Whitby one can see dangers for releasing books into the wild, but it is an engaging challenge...
I found a book on a bench outside Tockmarton church a couple of years ago, but left it as the title was not very interesting and it seemed better to leave the book in the village.
The Blind Assassin is pretty good, 200 pages so far!


  1. I love the thought of the book off on its own journey. It is a bit like many of the books on my bookshelf. Some of my books are over hundred years old. I would love to know who has owned the books before me.

  2. To be quite honest, I'm starting to worry about its 'journey' already!, what if I leave it at a station and it becomes a suspect package? or in Whitby where it could easily be thrown into the nearest litterbin..big responsibility...


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