Sunday, January 1, 2017

Hello 2017

Let us hope that all the miserable stories do not permeate this year as well, though of course they drag themselves on unwilling feet into the New Year.  But HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone.  

Well we did not stay up for the festivities but watched the three Bronte sisters on BBCi player, two hours with the three sisters and their lamentable brother Bramwell was very enjoyable and Haworth Vicarage is only 12 miles from Todmorden where my daughter lives.

We sat in front of a blazing fire, we had actually been out earlier in the day at lunchtime to a pub at Great Barugh, (means high hill I think) apparently across the road to the pub there is a square enclosure which is probably a Roman camp, on the road from York-Malton- and maybe the Camps at Cawthorn.

Think it is the time to take down the decorations, as it all becomes a long Christmas .........................
The other day in that little triangle of land from the copse a grey partridge appeared, in the photo you can also see a dozy pigeon, (we have at least a dozen of these in the garden) and the little dove sunbathing in the warm sun.  Thought at first she had been attacked by the hawk, but she was perfectly well when she flew away.  First time I have seen partridge (think that is what they are)

Well a brief interlude interrupted by the Australian visitors and their two gorgeous children who have come for some eggs, and be introduced to the hens, freedom on January 5th??

We did vaguely welcome the New Year at 12 oclock, fireworks at the pub, woke Lucy up and she came flying upstairs landed on my head trembling with fear, and when I finally wriggled away from her, she slept with us until she became less fearful and she trotted downstairs again.  David, the grandpa of the children, spent three hours up with their dog.  One day they will ban fireworks which will probably be a good idea.

Good bye Christmas


  1. Smiled about you taking down your decorations. I am the same. Once the New Year arrives I can't wait to get them all put away. I can never be bothered to string the cards up (I do love them but usually just stand them around) and by New Year's Day they keep falling over.

  2. Hi Pat, think the glittery tinsel starts to look a little tainted after a while;). Cards are staying up a bit longer though.


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