Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wednesday 1st March

Woke up this morning to a beautifully streaked sky of pink and blue, icy cold, the birds singing, the soft rose coloured sun hitting the windows of the church, sadly my camera battery was charging.
On yesterday's walk Lucy and I wandered along the river, and I filmed it's brown surface and listened to the noise of the water over the stones.  Lillie said on the weekend walk, 'granny haven't you got any birds on the river?' Unfortunately not, no swans, no ducks, not the sharp blue of the kingfisher, just the occasional heron or moorhen.  Arrow shaped leaves are gathering and pushing upwards on its banks, ransoms,  bringing the early smell of garlic to grace the world.

I am so sick of Trump and Brexit in the news, why have we become such a self-serving narcissistic world of people, why can't we worry about the animals that are forced out of their lands, forests destroyed for palm oil, jungles cleared and encroached on so that the beautiful lions become scarce, and the elephants killed for their ivory.  We watched a film on Friday, The Fifth Element, complete foolishness but in its terrible cityscapes with cars flying by, you could almost see our time with everyone glued to a phone and not caring for anything outside their scope of life - which I find really frightening.

An experiment follows, will blogger upload the short, very short video I took yesterday, well not very good but it vaguely works in small size!


  1. Peaceful video. Getting out and watching water or coasting clouds is so healthy.

    1. tRue when younger we forget the sky, growing older with it, it id the first thing I look at in the morning to see the sunrise, and last thing in the evening when I go to shut up the hens.

  2. I could not get the video.

    I agree, the news and all media we get is overwhelming us and taking away from the life around us. I fear so for this earth and all the creatures that inhabit it. I just went outside because we are enjoying very mild weather. However, we are expecting a storm in an hour or so that will bring very high winds and a violent storm. The feral cats who live in our yard and woods are no where to be seen. I guess they know it is better to hunker down and get away from the noise. They are smarter than humans sometimes.

    1. The weather has been somewhat unruly over this winter here as well, with storms passing over. The fields are flooded in many places in this low lying area, and it is continually wet under foot. Feral cats are interesting, we have wild farm cats, or at least not domesticated.

  3. Your little video was so peaceful and I could've watched it for hours. We are lucky to live in a small town that is filled with woods and streams as well. My husband and I were just talking this morning about how pretty it is to stop and look at the stream that runs alongside our road. It's very difficult to avoid negativity here in the states now. I can't even imagine what other countries must think it's like here with all of the craziness on the news channels. We definitely need to all do our share to help the animals of this world. Just like the comment says above, sometimes I think they are smarter than us. Lord knows I'd rather hang around with animals more than many humans I know. : ) xo

    ~ Wendy

    1. What struck that note in my mind was of course the emails I get from so many animal organisations. It is not just the wild free animals but creatures in zoos, wildlife parks, terrible cruelty to dog raising farms in Thailand, the list goes on. But the birds are singing outside and as David Attenborough said this morning, we have encouraged another bird from the North to settle in this country over the winter - the blackcap - because such a lot of people feed them here.


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