Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sunday, day of rest and sermons

I have been meaning to read up about the poisonous ragwort but still have not done it. I wonder did everyone go through that 'natural' herbs are the best medicine thing, or at least cure-all.  Well I never bought the full set of Bach's remedies, may have tried the 'Rescue' once and it did not work, notice you can buy it for your pets as well!  But still I love herbs, and as for the wild flowers ability to heal, remember always, the foxglove, digitalis poison.

But this wasn't about herbs, rather the rather prolific nature of this hot weather.  Yes I know everyone is shouting from the roof tops that what with Brexit and bad harvests this year, (carrots and potatoes) we shall all be rioting and starving on the streets next year but my blackberries and plums from only planting last year have done spectacularly well.  In this village we should be self sufficient in fruit as well.  

No, I am not self-satisfied, for I think of the people who do not have the resources to food, in this country we have food banks.  Even in my penurious widowhood there was always enough money for food.  How is it that people cannot afford it, the country has gone silly.  Expensive cars are advertised and yet our education system has allowed a whole section of society to escape the necessary skill/art of cooking.  Maybe many people can cook, but can't afford the fuel for cooking with.
Are all those stories just 'scare' stories can it be that many children will go hungry through the summer holiday weeks because of this?  Do we have to rely on the voluntary services to remedy it?

This morning in the blessed rain, I chased a bantam round trying to get her back into the run, I had opened the run because of two sparrows trapped and of course Fay escaped and refused to go back in.


  1. We have hungry children here in the U.S. because of drugs or because of unexpected illness of their parents. They depend on public school meals. It is a tragedy.

    1. Well the problem of public school meals is here that they are rather thin on the ground in schools. But it is a tragedy that there is no fall back for hungry children.

  2. Beautiful images, I love the third, Shiraz is the best.

    1. Thank you Bob, I like Shiraz to. Forgot of course all the beans and courgettes, plus tomatoes that have ripened unexpectedly in this weather.

  3. All your pict.ures are lovely today Thelma. We have had rain on and off and everywhere smells fresh


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