Wednesday, February 15, 2023

15th February 2023

Dear Pat of Weaver of Grass put the question as to how we felt about women and equality in society.  Such an enormous question, given the complexity of being female in a roughly equal division of female and male.

Sometimes women go on the attack, as they have a perfect right to given the things they experience.  What we are fighting at this present moment, is beyond pinched bottoms and wolf whistles, it is equality in the workplace, for women to sail beyond the glass ceiling and fill the CEOs chairs like their male brethren and also, there is hope and optimism here, slowly female barristers, judges, politicians are there  and maybe bringing a different point of view to the table.

 'The Times they are a changing' as Bob Dylan would sing, but it is a slow change and there will be mistakes along the way.  Women and men have very different functions in life, and it is addressing these problems women have to face, such as childcare and homemaking, so treasured from the past that adjustments have to be made.

Judging men from the really bad throwbacks that occasionally emerge is not the option, men are not the problem, but certain men are, and it is these dinosaurs of ignorance, such as the extreme right in America and of course the shameful effect of a religion on some Muslim women that we need to speak out about.  But Western culture should be very wary of telling others how to live their lives!

Still I will not ramble, only to put the following video on, it is Professor Mary Beard interviewing Rebecca Solnit on her book. = 'Recollections of my Non-Existence.'  Also the tale of the mansplaining episode.

Edit: I forgot ;) I have been ill with the dreaded lurgy, whatever it is, in my case a bad cough and cold.  But.......also my ear, there I was standing in Boots the chemist waiting to pick up my daughter's prescription, and the sound just changed to an echoing sound of  a strange noise.  It has got better, though still somewhat deaf in that ear.  Went round saying I had middle ear infection, though truthfully I don't know what that is.  Doctor appointments are almost impossible round here, so should it not get better I will see the pharmacist.  
It perhaps tells you just how bad the NHS is here by the size of the building built a few years back, but now with hardly any doctors in now.

Todmorden medical centre.

2) Now here is a mystery? Banksy is supposed to have painted this as a Valentine, but the council have stepped in real quick and removed the freezer and chair. Was the council ashamed of leaving litter down the alleyway for weeks or did they not understand the significance of the graffiti.

Banksy in Margate


  1. The NHS has been underfunded for years - political choice.

    1. It is a particularly nasty way of making people go private, and for those who can't - tough!

  2. As you so rightly say, equality is a big question. Maybe I have just been lucky, but in more than 40 years in the workplace everywhere I've worked has had an equal pay policy - same job, same pay whether you are man or woman, lip reading deaf, crutches using disabled etc. I have never understood the logic behind pay discrimination between men and women, after all why deliberately discourage half of your potential workforce by paying them less?

    1. Well perhaps it rests on the old excuses Will. Women are not as strong as men, vaguely true, and they think differently and cannot cope. Trouble is wage differential has many sides to it. Those that get tossed aside like dinner ladies are seen as the bottom end of the pay scale and not entitled because it is only a second job.
      Green idea: Basic income for everyone? Yes I am not sure it would work either but if you don't experiment how are you going to find out.

  3. We have the same sort of medical shortage here, pushing more and more and more into emergency rooms.

    1. And there does not seem to be an answer Joanne. I suppose one could argue that there are just too many people in the world.

  4. During my working life I was always alongside women. Each woman I worked with was different from the next - just like the men I worked with. To me they were all people and sometimes I get fed up with those who separate the sexes like sheep and goats. It is not as simple as that. Generalising about men and women is ignorant in my opinion. We do not inhabit a cartoon world.

    1. No of course not, but a sense of injustice has plagued women for a long time. Not all women, not all the time but with some justification. What you do get are naive females climbing on to such organisations as 'Me too' .
      Exploring the world from all sides is not a bad thing.

  5. To some extent I agree with Y P above - until I look at the pay packets in some jobs.

    1. It is in the end a mixed bag I suppose, and what career you are following.

  6. Oh my goodness. That ear thing. I had a cold a couple years ago that settled in my ear. I had to stop going to church. The young man who does the music sees it as the "Joe Show" and plays and sings very loudly. He's very good, I will give him that, but it was too loud under normal circumstances. When I had the ear thing going on, the racket would set off a vibration in my ear that just drove me quietly crazy.

  7. That is comforting to know Debby, I wasn't quite sure of what was happening. My granddaughter has been nagging me to go to the doctor's, but the consultation is normally by phone and if one's hearing is strange not much good.


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