Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Passing time

Normanby; hardly a village more of a hamlet, you can see the curved river, which has been banked

Lunch time;  We wait for a removal firm to come and give us a quote in half-an-hour, already had one - pretty expensive moving, says she quietly.  The last two days has been the clearing of the loft of empty boxes.  LS has collected every box for the last 30 years or so it seems, he chucks them down I take them downstairs, and then they are flattened and tied up for  recycling for the.....
Recycling centre which has the most badly labelled containers, nothing is logical.  The great 2 machine, lives right at the end, in here you put everything that is completely unrecyclable, it chobbles them up mattresses, old furniture, I am intrigued about what comes out at the other end but you can't see it, our polystrene 'hundreds and thousands' go in there, several bags of them.
Good news this morning is that the Environment Agency has just emailed back to say that Church House only has 1 in a 1000 chance of flooding, and they will send us some documentation for insuring the house, though LS already has an insurer lined up.
There are moments when we both panic about this move, is it not a bit late in life to move but I come up with the 'adventure' side of the move and all those places to visit.  End of May is roughly when it will take place!!

Betwixt the church and the pub, the plot of land before it was built on


  1. Just looked you up on the map - just down the road from Nunnington Hall an NT property we visit sometimes. Quite near to Pickering and the railway too, so looks a good spot.

  2. Yes the railway link is important for the family, Malton into York takes you on to the main line for the North and West Yorkshire for my family, and South to London for LS's boys and my son.
    Looks interesting Nunnington Hall, old doll's house to see and gardens as well.

  3. We're very familiar with this beautiful area. I love the old village names around about - Great Barugh and Harome make me think of a fierce Norseman clearing his throat!

  4. Hi Nilly, The names are very Scandinavian around this part of the world, it will be fascinating to do some research on it...


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