Wednesday, December 16, 2015


This is the weather on an almost daily basis, grey overhanging clouds, rain and a warm west wind.

“All the being and the doing, expansive, glittering, vocal, evaporated; and one shrunk, with a sense of solemnity, to being oneself, a wedge-shaped core of darkness, something invisible to others.” 

― Virginia WoolfTo the Lighthouse

That quote has nothing to do with anything, I just happened to pick it up because I was reading the book... Shirley Hughes for Lily, always loved her 'Alfie' books.

Like many people I have problems with the weather, it constrains one to the house, muddy paws slurp their way across the kitchen, even the chickens are fed up with it, roll on spring!

Go away I'm sleeping

So what to write about before our visitors come for coffee, well before the folder for all the new photos there is the 'apple' folder, where I recorded some of the many apple trees I had planted.  There is also Carew Castle and the Tidal Mill at Carew, so some old photos to cheer the day up.


  1. Ah Carew - always a lovely place for an Outing. You feel you are not to far from its history.

    I feel like a regular Johnny Appleseed sometimes, as I have bunged more cores out of car windows than most folk, and planted apple and other fruit trees too. I WILL get Pitmaston Pineapple when we move . . .

    1. I had too many apple trees, so used to make apple juice, absolutely delicious. The smaller apple trees always produced a great crop and needed support, the middle range of grafted trees are the best.

  2. I know how it feels when the clouds presses you down and the rain keeps one indoors.....That's when a good book is so good to just seat read and contemplate. Love the photos!!!!

    1. Hi Ana, you are quite right books are a godsend in this miserable weather.

  3. I love apples Thelma, so I have immediately become hooked on that wonderful apple photograph - they almost look as though you can pick them off the computer screen.

  4. funnily enough that was my old camera photos, it was pretty good.


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