Saturday, November 26, 2016

Saturday fog

Lucy enjoys it up here

Foggy today, we walk up our third walk in the village to the hollowway time has forgot, not the farmer though for there were deep holes where cattle had sunk in the mud.  But this small piece of land full of slopes and ridges, harbours stunted hawthorns, gorse and deep holes where rabbits dig even deeper burrows - slightly ankle breaking!
The fog closes in the world, it is cold to bare skin but one can feel the presence of the sun behind it.
This is gloomy old medieval England when fairies and elves formed themselves from the twisted branches of the hawthorn and witches reigned in England.  Untidy and unkempt a preserve for the ubiquitous pheasant and the rabbit.
Up the 'green' lane

tangled hawthorn showing its' age

all mist and gloom


  1. I am guessing from the movies and TV shows you get more fog than us here on the river in the mid-Atlantic. Is that a Springer. We used to own two of them.

  2. Morning Tabor, no Lucy is a cocker spaniel, we have only had her about a year, she comes from a 'rescue' centre and is 9 years old. Springers are too springy for me, in and out of water.
    This fog is the first we have had here, the land round here up to a thousand years ago was very marsh, so it could be the last dose of rainfall, it also floods easily and there are retaining banks all along our river.

  3. Love that lane. Just the kind of place to meet Cloudberry and Sneezewort (if they didn't see you first. Have you read 'The Little Grey Men'?)
    We didn't have fog - had a glorious day but rain last night and early this morning. Now at 8.30am the sun is just breaking through the cloud.

  4. Yes I've read 'The Little Grey Men' lovely grown-up children's story, in fact our river looks a lot like theirs ;)


Love having comments!