Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday and snow

Before it all melts away, the drip from the trees this morning said that the snow would not stay long.

 a light feathering of snow
Nigel's sheep this morning

Bamboo and southernwood gently collapse


  1. Stay warm.
    I so wanted the clock to win last night and was quite disappointed when it didn't. But still enjoyed the programme immenseley.

    1. Yes they are an entertaining bunch, strong characters coming to the fore. Why she didn't win with that fabulous clock has I suppose something to do with the fact that 'many hands' helped with the embroidery, a social judgement ;)

  2. It's pretty but I don't miss it as it sure gets in the way if it lasts and then there is the melt where it can lead to floods where I live in Oregon

    1. Well our weather has been mild compared to Europe which has had literally metres of snow. And now it has turned to rain.


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