Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tuesday 1st January 2019

New Years Eve;

It was quiet.  But I got up at 12 midnight to the sound of bells ringing in the church, Jo and David had braved the cold and rang them joyously for 5 minutes.  This was followed by fireworks next door for another 5 minutes and I just hoped the two little bantams managed to hold onto their hearts. By the way I have ordered two more from Bedale, not yet born probably ;)

Paul was sitting by a blazing log fire downstairs when I came down, he is an owl to my lark nature.  Now it is morning, Lucy is still snoring away downstairs and when I came into the kitchen noticed that the calender had been changed for 2019.  The Japanese proverb on it says "Life begins the day you start a garden" how apt as always my thoughts turn to what to grow in the New Year.

We discussed, quite seriously yesterday, food to be stored 'in case', even Paul has been, or at least feels, 'shafted' by the government and has no confidence whatsoever!

We must have all watched in amazement and sheer disbelief, money awarded (is it a shell company?) for transporting goods across the Channel, a company that owns no boats and will use a harbour that needs dredging, all this with only three months to go...... And then there is Javid flying home from his holidays (poor Lad) to  sort out the few dozen immigrants making it to our shores.  When literally millions roam around homeless in other countries.

I may come back to write but light is returning to this small corner and I need to go and reassure Fay and Lady Gray that their peaceful world still exists.


  1. It has been the most beautiful day here - cold but such clear light and sun from rising to setting. Someone left coal on my doorstep which I take as a good sign. Happy New Year.

    1. must look that custom up, leaving coal on the doorstep. On a more practical note, we tried coal in the stove but it never gave up as much heat as the wood (think it is oak) we have at the moment. Happy New Year.

  2. I went to bed but woke to sounds I could not at first identify and then when I looked at my clock saw the reason. Fireworks or gunfire at midnight. Happy New Year. Hope the year is good to us all.

  3. I must follow Brexit more closely. This all sounds traumatic.

    1. Not really traumatic, a realisation that those who govern are complete idiots and are more interested in their own status quo and their party then the need to govern for everyone.

  4. Hello Tabor.

    At a time when the country needs a clear map for the future (even half a map would do) the politicians here, on all sides, continue their rowdy point scoring. I'm ashamed to watch them shouting at each other in the House of Commons. Gawd know what the rest of the world thinks of us - if they ever bother to watch what goes on in there.

    I'm both a Brexiteer and an optimist. There'll no doubt be a few rocky rides ahead when/if we leave the EU but there's still life in this old dog of a country yet and people might be surprised at how we re-invent ourselves in the years ahead. :-)


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