Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sunday cartoon

I occasionally speak to my Google creature in the sitting room, but she is not very bright, and normally ends up playing Classic FM for me.  The above raised a smile on this dark Sunday morning.


  1. Raised a smile with me too Thelma - the fog is so thick here that I can't see the ash tree in the field beyond my garden. Still quite dark at half past nine.

  2. We have her on our latest Prime zapper, but I never think to use her! Tam has Classic FM permanently tuned into on her car, with me it's Radio 4.

  3. Good cartoon, I don't really know much about these gadgets except the one at my youngest daughters will suddenly say " Sorry I didn't hear what you said" - making everyone jump!

  4. Friends of mine named their daughter Alexa. This was before the device came along. I guess there were German parents who named their sons Adolf before Hitler arrived on the scene.


Love having comments!