Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday thoughts

It is no use lambasting the Remainers last ditch fight, it will precisely do nothing.  We are where we are, Johnson is not dead in the ditch, he has to go on, childishly not signing letters to show his disapproval.  Our country has a rift down its centre, half of us want to remain in the European clique, the other half to leave and go it alone - impasse plain and simple.
It is Sunday, a day of rest but the arguments will go on, where is Solomon when you need him?  My mood vacillates between the two, for I have no inkling what the future might hold, only that I want it to be a sensible answer.
Tom Stephenson has pointed to the 'old white men' that rule, and it brought to mind the photo making the rounds at the moment, Trump and Pelosi, just look at that table of men, luckily our parliament has its fair share of representative women.

It has been a weird weekend so far, having decided that there was no oil in the tank until tomorrow when he comes, I switched the heating off, the house is very cold.  But not to be dismayed by it, decided to have a fire, so went out bought some non-smoking coal and with the rest of the logs in the garage have had a log fire in the sitting room.  My fire skills have been updated and the wood burner behaves nicely.  
Whilst awake in the night I listen to the radio and this time a green programme, and there was this person who had managed to reduce her plastic waste by 99%.  I applaud her determination, and tried to work out how I would do it.  Did she give up on milk, cheese, (I would have to go to Helmsley for unwrapped expensive cheese).  Though I could buy quite a lot of stuff unwrapped in my town in the way of vegetables and fruit, there was still a lot that comes in plastic, my Fair Trade coffee beans for instance. 
There is the bug, if I stopped coffee beans what would those growers do? We are harangued on all sides by green arguments, but each step we take is only part of the problem.


  1. As far as Brexit goes Thelma I largely agree with you. The 'old guard'hang on on both sides of the argument and like you I see them all sitting there and wish for some new blood (and more women) but don't hold out much hope there. I no longer care to be honest - I just want all the hours and the money wasted to be over so that the issues which have been hanging fire can be dealt with. I hardly care to switch on the news these days.

  2. I've seen the photo. Of course, she's older than him but it's the nature of women to dye their hair when men don't lol I do follow what is going on and hope whatever happens with England, it'll work out well.


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