Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Solstice Blessings


The Cove at Avebury taken from Avebury Web

I have just looked very quickly at a video made by English Heritage at the sun arising over Stonehenge.  It was very misty but a large crowd stand silent there.  Today many believers will be at their favourite megalithic sites watching the miracle of the sun making its way over the horizon.  Aligned.  Just about. With the stones.  My heart will be with The Cove Stones at Avebury.  Standing one cold winter's night at midnight with the moon deeply etched out in the dark sky.  So on this day, this middle day, of the year as we once more turn towards winter, forget the commotion around you and just be grateful for the beautiful world we live in.  It is still there, just needs some protection from us all.

What have I collected this morning?

Paul Nash's Summer Solstice and an invitation to sacrifice your neighbours ;)


  1. Love the idea of sacrificing my neighbours (-both sides are good friends)to the sun - trouble is the clouds are rolling in here- bit like the state of things everywhere. Happy Solstice Thelma.Love the Paul Nash.

  2. Happy Summer Solstice, Thelma!

  3. Oh dear. One of my neighbours is setting up his Bar-B-Q. Better make a run for it!

  4. A Merry Summer Solstice to you all. And John Tell your neighbour to go vegan ;)


Love having comments!