Wednesday, July 20, 2022

20th July 2022

Well I will presume we all made it through the hottest two days on record for this country.  It wasn't pleasant and the ambulance sirens keep ringing in my ears but we are granted a reprieve.  Watching people's reaction is interesting.  In this house we are trying to buy our way out of expensive energy bills.  I opened the parcels yesterday that are stacked in the sitting room, but that orange kettle and yellow toaster isn't the answer.  I have still to open the hob and table top cooker - yes we can try and buy our way out for a time. 

But nature has thrown a large spanner into the fray, and I hate to say this,  nature has the upper hand, or perhaps I should say science along with knowledge.  We have pushed this Earth to its limit, it will take its revenge, perhaps we should have read that 1972 book, 50  years ago and heeded the warning "The Limits to Growth"

For all those who rubbish our Earth in the paltry satisfaction of having a bigger bank balance, it definitely won't bring you longer life, the ground on which you walk will turn brown and crisp beneath your feet.  You can deny climate change as manmade and still call it a natural phenomenon, but it is there...

Thought for the day!!

Edit;  Where has Greta Thunberg disappeared to you might ask, is she not out there fighting with her young friends for a better world, or has she got bored with the whole thing.  After all, what is more important now then who will be the next prime minister?  The choice by the way will leave you in absolute despair.


  1. Agree butsadly having an election would notbe the answer either.

    1. Well there is always riot or revolution Pat;) but failing that we can inch along the way by nagging those in power to behave responsibly. It's called the long game...

  2. I agree 100% with you about our destruction of the planet and have written a few poems on the subject. On the news last night it showed that there is still mining going on in the Amazon for gold. To me the rain forest is more precious than gold.

    1. Hello Joan, watching the slow collapse of all the natural systems that makes this planet go round is one of the saddest things out. Can we even convince our own families I wonder. Until we take the trivia out of the news and start talking about solutions we shall just grind on in stupidity I think.


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