Tuesday, August 23, 2022

23rd August 2022


Largest man made mound in Europe, why isn't it more conical? perhaps the Saxons flattened it into a platform as a defensive space.


All those years ago I wandered round the Avebury landscape with my dog Moss.  Happy on my own, leaving behind a household for awhile and being alone.... Firstly I lived in Calne which is but 6 miles from  Avebury.  I had stopped in Calne whilst on a hunt for a house in Wales, perhaps it was driving past Silbury Hill that caught my imagination but then my dog was Kim, a large, fairly uncontrollable labrador but who enjoyed walks up to the Lansdown monument.  A monument I could still see, if I found the right place, up on the downs above Bath.

In Calne I was a young widow bringing up my daughter, and when I eventually married again moved to Bath.  But often went back to Avebury with Moss to walk up to the West Kennett Long Barrow.  Here we could sit and watch the sunrise from atop the barrow.

The facade, many bones were found inside, some from the older Windmill Hill site just above Avebury

The long shape of it like a snake upon the landscape.
Avebury itself has the three circles, two inside a larger circle with a very large ditch dug around it.  The sarsen stones are remarkable odd shapes, some seeing some of the stones as representing the fertility of man and woman (now wasn't that coy I obliterated the sexual organs that  show this).

Whatever you see in the stones reflects your anthropomorphic mind wants to see and if you look at the following stones you will see figures and faces just because you mind wants to see them.  But did the hauliers and builders of these stones see them also?  The stones themselves are enormous,  some triangulated in shape, the Cove stones showing something different being very tall.

The Red Lion in the far distance. William Morris who went to Marlborough College, would cycle to see 'The Lions' as he told his parents when writing back to them.

Captured in stone.  The concrete bollards are the missing stones obviously.  Probably incorporated in the old cottages in Avebury
The Cove stones

 Note;  King Arthur's Hall soon to have a small archaeological dig to prove its age.


  1. I believe the ancient history of Britain is even in the air you breathe.

  2. It comes from living in a small country Joanne.


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