Monday, August 22, 2022

Collecting my thoughts (and blogs)

This morning I started watching 'Children of the Stones' on my computer.  Made in 1976 in Avebury it was a  fantasy children programme.  The story outrageous from today's point of view.  It had that clumsy element of the 1970s  (that time when mobile phones were still to be invented!), yet it was considered excellent television and it still holds that element of fear today with the creepy music background.

The plot was fantastical but one of the strands was the dragons displayed on the font of Avebury church, though in this instant they were referred to as snakes, and I think this particular reference from the series comes from another font, probably one of the Bassett villages.

The whole film about the village of Avebury stirred up so many memories of how Paul and I met and eventually came together through this time that I felt perhaps it was unwise to take the path of memory but I did.  Also I had never felt any fear round the stones or of their magnetic charms, but had captured them time and time again through photos.

 We had spent a week one cold winter there at 'Teacher's Cottage' waking up one morning to snow and wandering round before anyone managed to get to the village, taking photographs. I remember the church opposite the cottage and standing by the Cove stones at midnight under a full moon.

But what we all worked on at the time was, not sure how to put this, but lets say we nagged the workmanship of English Heritage about the repair of Silbury Hill, which had a collapsed void in its centre.  We made our points of view felt through our website 'Heritage Action' and whilst chasing through another blog of mine for fonts, I came across Paul's Silbury blog here.

Which led me on to an blog/article I had written on Heritage Action, in my usual nonsense manner but a certain amount of scholarly thought;) Sometimes I forget my love of Silbury Hill but the event at the time of Skanska's work led me to write a lot...  in fact if I remember rightly I was the one who took the photos of the work.  Paul had quoted the whole article on his blog, which must have made me very proud....

I remember reading how the excavations had uncovered an inner type barrow, with small stones and an analysis of the seeds and environmental evidence had been published as well, in fact there is a blog somewhere on Northstoke about this.

Anyway I found my old Wordpress blog with the history of Avebury church and photos of the font here.  

I will put the link to the video on, it's clunkiness has a charm of its own ;)


  1. That was so scary! I was terrified.

  2. Being an Oxfordshire/Wiltshire girl I love anything to do with Avebury - it's a very special place
    Alison in Wales x

  3. It is a very special place Alison, the film captures a lot of Avebury.

  4. It is one place I regret never visiting Thelma. Too late now.

  5. Is that series related to the truly awful audio version on BBC Sounds? A friend of mine lived in one of those houses in the intro.

    1. P.S. I can't find a way to follow Paul's blog.

    2. Never heard the audio one so don't know Tom. Paul had a friend who lived in the big house next to the loos, but I think it was taken over by English Heritage.
      As to your inability to pick-up my links, you couldn't get Murrmurs either at one stage as I remember. I have put it on my links list on the right under 'Paul's Silbury Blog. Perhaps it is something to do with Google?


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