Sunday, January 1, 2023

Don't rain on my parade!

 Happy New Year Everyone

Could not resist him, Thor the Walrus has landed in Scarborough and stopped the firework display in case it frightened him, though I think he may have left by now after a nap on the causeway. His trip round England is going fine, he has one message, though he hasn't been to Todmorden yet but that is Be Kind in the New Year.


  1. That is a wonderful message for any year, Thelma! Be Kind! Thanks for blogging!

    1. 'Kindness' is the slogan of our small town Ellen. There is a friendly atmosphere and it has lead to people coming from other countries to look around.

  2. May the walrus of kindness touch every heart! I read the story somewhere else, and I have to tell you, the thought that a town would simply not have fireworks so as not to trouble a walrus was something we all found quite wonderfully humane. The story is making the rounds here. Well done Scarborough!

    1. This walrus has been making its way round the coast from West Wales, I think it is him anyway. He hauled himself up on to the boats in Tenby much to the consternation of the boat owners. Don't think he did much damage though.

  3. Thor has a big personality, he is described as an adolescent by the experts Tom. He obviously needs space to develop into maturity. When the world has so many troubles the respect for a wayward teenager walrus is funny.

  4. I am glad Scarborough has been kind to him. May the kindness spread as rhe New Year progresses,

  5. I think kindness always spreads Pat,


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