Friday, April 28, 2023

28th April 2023



Have you had your invitation yet?  Look who is lurking at the bottom of the invite, old 'Green Man' a somewhat indifferent deity of the pagan movement.  But he does adorn a lot of our churches as well.  Probably though in a disciplinary manner.

A quiet provoking addition is this creature, amongst the wild flowers, birds and wild creatures.  Well done King Charles, being subversive on the part of Nature is Good!

The Guardian article is here with tongue in cheek

But a more sensible article covers paganism here.


  1. The Green Man! I like that touch. Defender of the Faith - including Pagans...

    1. Yes, though the Abbey service will be a completely Christian one, King Charles has many religions under his reign, even pagans. Who would have thought!

  2. I have a Green Man who sits proudly on the wall by my front door.

    1. We used to have one in the garden Pat, they preside over the wilder side of nature.

  3. It's good to have a king who is so clearly on the side of nature, an area in which our elected government appears to be sorely lacking.

  4. It will be interesting to see whether his influence will have any effect but the government should never forget there is a helluva lot of people working in the conservation areas in this country John.

  5. Thank you for the post of the invitation. It's the best rendition of it I have seen, and the Green Man makes me very happyl

    1. You are welcome, no fascinators though ;) Large hat tilted to one side, so no one behind you can see what is happening.


Love having comments!