Wednesday, April 5, 2023

5th April 2023

 Rentier capitalism describes the economic practice of gaining large profits without contributing to society. A rentier is someone who earns income from capital without working.

The precariat represents the closure of the cycle from industry replacing the artisan with manufacturing and office centres to the creation of artisan freelances that work into what used to be organisations. Drivers, writers, graphic designers, IT professionals and even chefs and personal assistants among literally thousands of other professions now operate outside the sphere of the organisation while directly influencing its trajectory. For the employer this means that there are cuts in costs as healthcare, sick and maternity pay, and other employee benefits don’t have to be met while getting a similar service out of the loose networks that it exploits to achieve the same aims it once had as a brick and mortar office block.

Okay politics anyone? Well at least it keeps us from the drivel of news about Trumpism, as he once more squirms in the public eye.  No I have been listening to Guy Standing, sorry Cro, he is so left he almost falls of the cliff.

The 'rentier' class is taking off with a flourish, people queuing for hours to get a flat because we do not have enough housing stock, simples isn't it?  Rent prices leaping up and the ubiquitous Section 21 giving the landlords right to evict.

Naivety in the ways of the world is something I suffer from, but truly I never realised people lived in their cars in America, and you can add Canada and Australia to that.  When I came across a 66 year old woman in the news this morning, doing the same in this country, I was rather shocked.

Not only are we having problem housing the refugees that come to this country but even the person who lives next door to you may be in trouble. 

We could demand that a building programme takes place, it has been promised for years, but I am sure 'nimbyism' will creep in, we are after all a small country.  As the elegant mills of the North have been turned into upmarket flats we should perhaps look at the buildings, both office and shops that are standing empty in our towns.

We have suffered under a Conservative led government for too long, I am not going to accuse the politicians of corruption, though there are a few but as our utilities suffer under foreign ownership, lets call them to account, we still have reasonable judiciary in this country.

I shall go and find some pretty photos for my next blog ;)


  1. Voting for some of our politicians in an election is about as sensible as voting for Anne Widdecombe in a dancing competition, but somehow such things keep happening. I read yesterday about funding for social care being halved. If not corrupt then certainly inept.

    1. Our conservative MP is pulling out in the next election, he knows when the game is up John. I never watched Anne Widdecombe dance but notice she is around in the GB news. The social care, which we desperately need in this country for those unable to care for themselves. Something about spending money on the internet side of things, that is going to do a lot of good.

  2. No need to apologise to a blogger who has not even lived in this country for over 40 years but still seeks to tell us how hard done to is our ex prime minister. I ignore adultery seems par for the course in politics but to refuse to accept your own child and take your ex mistress to court to refute the child shows how low this man is. Sorry for the rant Thelma.

  3. Don't worry Ann, when you get up cross in the morning, one needs a little rant. I think Johnson is also on the way out his behaviour speaks for itself and the decent politicians will get rid of him. He is not going to win the next election.

  4. Many landlords depend wholly on taxpayer money such as student loans and housing benefit, in effect scrounging. Do you see the Panorama programme a couple of weeks ago "What's Gone Wrong With Our Housing?" (it's still on iPlayer)? One landlord taking over £250,000 p.a. from 4 small badly maintained ex-council houses each divide into 6.

    1. I did watch it Tasker, it was disgusting how the new 'Rachmans' of this world. When they can turn small kitchens and bathrooms into 'apartments' out of one small council house and charge a fortune. Something has to be done.

  5. Thirteen years of Tory decline including The Big Brexit Mistake. Mr Starmer and his top team will be taking on an exceedingly difficult job - to change the course of the ocean liner of state. But he is a decent, intelligent man with a vision of a better future unlike Trump's odious love child - "Never Say Sorry" Johnson.

    1. I think Johnson has burnt his boat, and maybe this 'top' layer of cabinet members will be replaced by sounder people. Sense will prevail in the country.

  6. Well said and well written - totally agree.

  7. It is true, Thelma. Homelessness is an issue here. The thing that bothers me the very most of all is listening to people talk about the poor. It always comes back to: they need to work harder. I say that nobody should have to work multiple jobs to have a life. Living wages the first step to fixing this problem. And no one should have a business that allows them to prey on the less fortunate. But our system is set up on that.

    1. The very same argument about people needing to work harder in this country is also used Debby, probably by people who don't work at all. Your system is of course wrong and the fact that this country is beginning to go down the same path fills me with horror. But for a bit of light relief read another American with left wing tendencies - Murr is brilliant.


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