Friday, July 19, 2024

19th July 2024

 I wake up to bright sun and warmth, has summer decided to make an appearance?  I am becoming a recluse, the sun hurts my eyes, ever since they have been lasered they play up.  My large computer screen is a blessing and the computer itself can even read out the articles for me.

Growing old is something you have to come to terms with and I sink quite happily into acceptance.  As I sift back through the score of memories that was my past life, I realise a need to be more forward looking.  Positivity in this raging world of dissent, when someone invented the internet he opened up a Pandora's box of discord.  But then that is how history has unfolded. 

Slave neck chains

For instance thinking about the slavery issue and the large houses that had been built on the backs of those slaves, I remembered the late Iron Age slave chains found in the Welsh lake of Llyn Cerrig Bach in Anglesey. Why were they thrown into the lake, as offerings amongst other offerings?  They point towards a darker history, the Romans taking captured tribes as slaves.  Caracatus, taken in chains to Rome and his speech before the Roman emperor Claudius, recorded by Tacitus.

"If the degree of my nobility and fortune had been matched by moderation in success, I would have come to this City as a friend rather than a captive, nor would you have disdained to receive with a treaty of peace one sprung from brilliant ancestors and commanding a great many nations. But my present lot, disfiguring as it is for me, is magnificent for you. I had horses, men, arms, and wealth: what wonder if I was unwilling to lose them? If you wish to command everyone, does it really follow that everyone should accept your slavery? If I were now being handed over as one who had surrendered immediately, neither my fortune nor your glory would have achieved brilliance. It is also true that in my case any reprisal will be followed by oblivion. On the other hand, if you preserve me safe and sound, I shall be an eternal example of your clemency.

He was given clemency. but had been  betrayed by another British royal queen Cartimandua.

I came to an abrupt end there.  But picking up again, the house is full of Lillie going camping for a few days, water guns scattered around for her small flock, camping gear everywhere, she is a big spender.  But my daughter comes home tonight after her sortie to London to see Matilda's award celebrations.  Matilda in the long line of ex-students had to be different in her hat and gown, was the only one to go short skirted and long legged across the stage but we are all proud of her.

And now a takeaway for everyone, my usual mild curry pasanda is what I have ordered.


  1. I have just had a great idea for protecting your eyes Thelma.... SUNGLASSES! In addition you could don a wide-brimmed sunhat like a girl from a perfume commercial... "Try new Thelma from Givenchy - the aroma of summer".

  2. Why didn't I think of that? Trouble is they have to be prescription but I have hats though not those with shades for the eyes.

  3. As I am sure you know, Anglesea was the last stand of the Druids against the Romans. Most were killed on the beaches. I don't know if that has anything to do with the lake-full of Roman artefacts.

  4. Occasionally you read in the speculation that Tacitus's writing was no better than today's modern media, a good story embellished. It is true that the Druids were supposed to have danced on the shore blue painted at Anglesey and I would much prefer to stick to that story. The ritual of offering iron goods to the waters as a sacrifice to help you win the war is well known as is, the triple 'killing' of the bodies found in the bogs in Ireland, again a sacrifice.

  5. His speech gave me a little shiver. Project 2025 here refers to itself as the second American revolution. They tell us it will be bloodless...if we do not resist the changes. I am horrified at the words.

    1. To be honest Debby I do not understand America. Trump is all mouth, as we would say here. His heresy is but printed words I just hope that the numbskulls who listen to it will be overthrown by the greater majority of sensible people.

    2. A man gets up and says that people get excited when he floats the idea of being a dictator. He says it out loud before a crowd, and people cheer. That one statement is enough for it to be very clear in my mind that he should never be in a position of power. Yet my moment of clarity is lost in the cheers. Nuts. It is nuts.


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