Monday, July 22, 2024

22nd July 2024

Well there has been a change.  The butterfly wings have fluttered, and a whole new ball game has emerged (love mixing metaphors). I listened to Rory and Alistair in the night, they were chatting with their American equivalence Anthony Scaramucci and Katty Kay. I am not going to discuss the politics, they belong to the American people, but can only wish that they have a quiet election in which the best person wins,  and of course in my book it can only be the Democrats.  Trump may shout the loudest but if Kamala Harris can get her prosecuting skills together, the better person may win.  

Down below is a rather good Rupert Soskin and Michael Bott of 'Standing with Stones' video.  It is about the Rollright Stones, apparently, according to Soskin, the third most visited stone circle after Avebury and Stonehenge.  He explores, lightly, the myths that are woven round these stones, and can you put them into the rubbish bin of history?  No they make fascinating stories.  Facts are good but long dead kings and giants make for a more exciting read.

The Rollrights have very deeply pock marked surfaces and are indeed very strangely shaped.  Apparently during the Victorian era, people took bits of the stone for some reason, the stones are made of Jurassic Oolitic Limestone.



  1. The elections everywhere have been tense... and problematic :(
    France, Britain, USA, Indonesia, Iran, Hungary, Russia, Slovakia, Mexico etc. If guns were banned and elections were truly secret, we wouldn't have to worry about assassinations and fake results.
    The next Federal Australian election will be in 2025, but I suppose we are losing trust all over the world .

  2. Hello Hels, I don't know much about the politics of Australia, though for some reason the Australian Guardian is going through my news. It seems that you have similar problems to us, expensive housing, and not enough medium range housing, rented or otherwise, for people who can't afford them.
    History has always been full of happenings brought on by war, famine or territorial needs. We seem to be in a tumultous period, having left communism behind we either go to the left or right of politics. Modern society through media is just reflecting something we had never seen before, the corruption that lies under the surface that we weren't aware of. I have faith in the general goodness of most of the people and feel that decent societies or at least their governments will eventually evolve. Ever the born optimist!

  3. Just sat down and watched that video. I am glad that most big mysteries stay unsolved.

    1. Also I didn't realise that Stukely was such a fibber.

    2. There was a big move around the Druids in the 18th C. after Stukely. John Wood the architect (elder or younger...) was obsessed too.

  4. But aren't most books written more in fiction than fact Tom? All those men, vying for scholarship and fame needed to make up stuff. I think Stukeley did a great job in drawing the stuff and getting around on horseback;) just to record.

  5. Just a momentary thought. Would Harris do best by attacking the felon for his criminal and possibly future convictions for criminal behaviour? And the anti woman attacks?

  6. It would be a battle royal Andrew and hadn't he put in his own men at the Supreme Court?

  7. Thank you for your calm, encouraging words, Thelma. It is an anxious time but I am hoping all will be well...

  8. Given Trump's history and the fact that he continues to lie every time he opens his mouth, and is surrounded by slavering sycophants and religious extremists, it's a wonder anyone will vote for him, but it appears that at least half of all Americans eligible to vote are willing to do so.

    1. I don't think that is true. A lot of eligible voters don't vote at all!

    2. That's actually not factual. The last I heard, it was one in three, slightly less than 33%. Project 2025 has raised a lot of eyebrows, and horrified a lot of people. Harris will appeal to women, to minorities. Her message resonates strongly with young voters. She speaks plainly and strongly against that which must be spoken against plainly and strongly. I am interested in who she picks as a VP. I would like to see another good orator. Pete Buttigieg is great, but she has a good field to pick from. There is a real groundswell of support for defeating trump, and I do not foresee a close race.

      JD Vance has already begun publicly deriding her because she has no children and therefore has no stake in America. tRUMP, famous for his biting nicknames, can only come up with 'Laughing Kamala'.

      One of the sycophants trumpeted that Harris is a poor speaker, unfit to lead the democrats. Another responded immediately with "We can't all have the eloquence of tRUMP." That made me howl.

      I honestly feel that the tide has turned.

    3. She is also two decades younger than trump and will probably choose a younger running partner as well.

  9. Well whatever happens we will all just have to keep our fingers crossed that Trump doesn't get in.


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