Thursday, July 25, 2024

Men explaining things to me

 Right, a title straight out of Rebecca Solnit's book.  A tongue in cheek start to the day.  But I hate arguments and having to argue a point,  always seems so pointless.

So, who are the men talking to me? Well it has to be Alistair Campbell and Rory Stewart, two affable good friends.  If you want to be specific they sit on either side of the political spectrum in this country, though joined in the middle on their thinking.  You can see their rather long talk on 'The Rise of Kamala Harris' in the video down below.  Just love the opening frame with the dog asleep on the bed, it sets the tone of gentle information and a discussion held between two friends. Very British.

The frenzy of reporting does one's head in, so I listen to podcasts, Professor Tim Wilson is also another person I listen to.  His pet hate is Nigel Farage and I also can't bear Nigel's grinning beer swilling face either,  So prejudices are already beginning to show - tut, tut.

Another person who has explained things to me is Andrew. My camera broke down a couple of weeks ago and I said to myself I'm nearer to the grave so do I need a new one? the answer was no, use your phone instead.  Unfortunately I was not able to transfer photos.  It was explained last night, everything is up in 'The Cloud'.  I have my own little white cloud in that blue sky with all my junk on it.

So we found them, and indeed there are an awful lot of photos up there but I shall have to pay a very reasonable storage figure monthly.  But in usual computer style Google is playing up about that.  One problem down and another follows in its wake.  Anyway I have decided to start on a new project.  It was gz's rather moving memorial to her partner Pirate and I thought perhaps I should record some of the things about Paul, so those will go up in Pages. 

Busy Saturday coming up, Andrew has rented a car for the weekend for a wedding up in the Midlands, so Saturday, in the morning I get a trip up to the moors, and then we go out to lunch at 'The Staff of Life' and if I have enough energy there is a talk at the Folklore Centre.

Also got a train ticket for August, we will all go up to Chiddington in Surrey to Andrew's parents and I will be able to see his father's garden.


  1. That’s a coincidence - Rebecca’s book is one that recently came here from my daughter’s library. I’ve put it in my pile to read once I’ve read Rural Hours by Harriet Baker which is about the country lives of Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Townsend Warner and Rosamond Lehmann - three writers I love to read. Next is Olivia Laing’s book about her Suffolk garden and then by next Monday I have to read Julian Barnes’ latest novel for book group. It’s called The Noise of Time and is about Shostakovich. I briefly dipped into it but I fear it won’t be a patch on The Great Passion by James Runcie, which is about Bach and was probably my favourite book group novel from last year. I’m sure you will have a lovely time in Chiddingfold, only 15 mins or so from me in Fittleworth. I must see if the garden opens to the public at some point. While you’re there I can recommend The Merry Harriers at Hambledon for really good locally produced seasonal food. Sarah in Sussex

    1. Hi Sarah, plenty of reading then. Rebecca's book is of course written from the American view but she is a good descriptive writer. I have also heard (use Audible) Olivia Laing's book on the Suffolk garden, or at least the restoration work she has done on it. She has also written a book about being alone in New York I think. She is one of the authors I collect as well. Thanks for the recommendation will mention it.

  2. The only subjects I would allow men to explain things to me would be where I openly acknowledge that I have NO skills or knowledge whatsoever eg putting oil in the car engine, fixing a broken computer, operating on a liver or kidney.
    On subjects that I know very well eg politics, sports, history, tourism, religion, Australian law etc, I am happy to share opinions with men but no patronising, simplified explanations thanks!!!

    1. Well I totally agree with you Hels as independent women we have our own views. Do not take Solnit too seriously would be my answer but acknowledge that women don't know everything ;) Andrew for a start is a computer expert as is my son. One thing in the above video you will see is they are not explaining in a kindergarten sense but are trying to understand the ways of the world and that is why I like them.

  3. I would say this allows us to listen in on informed discussion, rather than being an explanation. Just wanted to explain that. May watch later.

  4. Point taken Tasker, your droll sense of humour is always welcome.

  5. I'm wondering about you finding your photos up in the Cloud. How did you know where to look? My daughter dropped her phone in a lake a month ago and had to get a new one and has said she lost all of her photos and contacts. Could they be up in a Cloud somewhere? And how would she search? I might need your Andrew to answer that question, Thelma!
    I'm excited about Kamala and feeling hopeful.

    1. Hi Ellen, well you seem to go for Google photos and sign in, don't know about contacts though. Lot of water is going under the bridge as far as American politics are concerned but she seems like a likely candidate.

  6. If you ever need somebody to explain how to put new batteries in a TV remote control please just ask me and I will provide guidance free of charge.

    1. Surprise can already do that Neil as long as I remember which end goes in the right place.

  7. Tasker gave me a good laugh this morning. Yes. I think that Kamala Harris can win. I don't even think it will be close. Trump has always been able to find a achille's heel and just hammer away at it for the duration of his campaign. He never said anything of substance...he just criticized the other guy. The shoe is on the other foot now. He cannot attack Kamala as a woman. He cannot attack her age. He cannot attack her race. We've got Project 2025 to hammer on, and his obvious unfitness for office, and early on, Harris has displayed a willingness to do just that. Her momentum is increasing. A political commentator here said that he hasn't seen such 'electricity' in a race since Obama ran. She is raising record amounts of money, and a great deal of it comes from small donors. I am far more optimistic than I was last month.

  8. There you are, hope springs eternal Debby;) Though I think it will be a fight and with Trump it will be nasty.

  9. H.I. admires Rory Stewart a lot too. His relationship with Alistair Campbell is refreshing too. The Campbells and the Stewarts have always been sworn enemies (weren't they?), but there again the Campbells have been seen as enemies by every other clan for hundreds of years. I have a Donaldson friend who will not be in the same room as a Campbell.

    1. Such tribalism is extraordinary but though beautiful, Scotland is a bleak place. So squabbling over cattle must keep them warm! I know nothing of the Campbells and Stewarts falling out and your friend is foolish. I mean for instance women weren't always faithful so the father could have been anyone.


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