Wednesday, July 3, 2024

3rd July 2024


As everyone is getting political, here is where my vote has gone. Josh Fenton Glynn - Labour.  It is a vote for the man not the party.  He seems to have done a lot of good as a councillor over the years.  Still young and down to earth.

Though his talk about trains, still has not bought electrification to the railway lines round here.

We need younger blood in the government, and of course the young themselves to vote a better world for them to live in the future.


  1. Good luck to him. I agree we need new yooung blood - I am in Rishi's constituency - I fear he will be returned again.

  2. Rishi is quite endearing but not as a prime minister Pat. ;)

  3. I wish we could have system that allows us to vote for prefered local candidate but also for an overall national party . The parliament membership is balanced to the later using regional lists MPs as well as constituency mps. it means you can vote for the best local person regardless of party.

    1. Our government system is old hat and needs changing. Our two party affair, for that is what it boils down to, is we never get the best man for the job.

    2. Here too, and we are in a real mess.

  4. I think that local connections are important - people with an interest and stake in an area. Bringing in candidates from elsewhere seems a bit fake to me. Anyway, there is a prediction map in the Daily Mail showing a massive block of red all over Northern England, even in places that have always been blue such as David Davis' seat in Howden. We shall see.

    1. "Bringing candidates from elsewhere seems fake" That is so true, Pat has Sunak in her part of the world. They fly them into what is considered safe seats and that's your lot. I would think the conservatives know that they are beaten thoroughly, I mean who would bring in BJ at the last minute. Underlining one of the failures of the last few years.

  5. I thought the Pacer trains had gone, and yes they have. The clip is four years old. Sometimes as a party voter, you may not be enamoured by the party's candidate, but in this case you are quite happy with who you voted for.

    1. Yes Andrew I did notice the 2019 date, and of course we have since been through the cancelling of HS2 up North. Are you a train person by the way you seem to know an awful lot about them.

  6. I do believe this: that we need to get the old men out of the government. An transfusion of new blood, new ideas, new direction is so desperately needed here.

    1. It seems to me Debby that America has a form of government that needs bringing up to modern standards. Truth and morality should be at the forefront of decision making, the fact that a maniacal liar is pushing for presidency and is being allowed to is very worrying. Our country has just turned to the left, as Europe inches to the right. But it is a good outcome, it means we have a shake out.


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