Wednesday, July 31, 2024

31st July 2024

 News turns from good to bad and then the terrible heart rendering news of the children attacked in Southport, three beautiful children dead and  eight others and also two adults are critically injured in hospital.  What sparked the attack we shall of course find out later, but it provoked an attack from the far right, whose disgusting morality only wants to sow discord in the country and who lead a rampage through the town.

We can weep for all the children killed in war, whether Israeli or Palestinian and those killed by the foolishness of young men who believe that death equals justice in their minds.  You can add  this morning to the injured toll 39 policemen and three police dogs.  The far right are mindless thugs.


And on to quieter things. My daughter's visit up to Birmingham for a wedding also included a visit to a neighbour in Calne.  The town is but 6 miles from Avebury, it was the town I settled in as a young widow with a small three year old daughter and large labrador called Kim.  Our neighbour Jean with her three boys lived next door, and so my daughter was always in her house.  Sadly one of the boys died when he was 18 but the other two still live near.

Calne was a 'bacon' town, the poor pigs brought there to be slaughtered and it had a large factory right in the centre.  This has now gone and there is plenty of recreational space now, a couple of photos from her phone and I have just discovered a couple of my photos from my phone in the 'cloud'.

Me obviously trying to work out the back to front element of  photo taking

The town of Mytholmroyd below

Waiting for the train at Todmorden

Calne.  Changed somewhat

Calne.  Andrew and Jean

Calne. Old part

One of the pig Heads from  Harris's bacon factory Calne 

Jean will be coming down for a visit in September, she was a great traveller and still a walker though several years older than me but I would point out that the countryside round Calne is much flatter than here.


  1. Do you remember the beautifully carved stone pigs' heads which adorned the bacon factory? I was offered all of them free of charge but decided I could not take them. I will always regret that.

  2. No I did not see them Tom, it was a place of torture to me, I always looked down as I went by, the river ran under the factory. But you should have taken them, I know they had statures of pigs in the town. I shall now go and look what age the factory was built in.

  3. Well I found one, it reminds me of a medieval head on a church, the animal seems to be squealing.

  4. Watched my neighbours' children going off to their play group this morning and couldn't help but think of what happened in Southport.

    1. It's the fear that mounts up, such random attacks are frightening John.

  5. I love the pretty view of that lush green countryside, Thelma. I was so sorry to hear about that awful attack.

    1. The attack of course has repercussions, there are protests in the towns Ellen. I think the lushness of the countryside can be put down to rain though.

  6. The photo of Mytholmroyd is terrific and what beautiful countryside.
    I hate accidently turning on the front camera and seeing the face of some old man on the screen.

  7. Yes one's face is a bit of a shock, especially as the phone camera is focused up to catch every wrinkle. As I said to Ellen it does tend to rain a lot to produce our green countryside but then you have already spoken of that ;)


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