Sunday, January 12, 2025

12th January 2025

 Ian Hislop - Chief editor of the Private Eye magazine is being applauded for bringing a touch of  'truth' to the subject of the idiot who would be king of the world.  Hislop might even earn a room in my Gormenghast Castle for his service in humour to the nation.  I used to have Andrew's copies of Private Eye, but I haven't seen a copy for a couple of months.  I think he is taking 'Bylines' at the moment, I'm juggling with thoughts of the News Statesman' ' but it is pretty pricey.  Also the Marsh family have brought out a song as well.

I wasn't going to write today but......... Lillie has gone back to London this morning with her father. Whilst here she has been attending the local scouts meetings.  She is a leader and on the board of trustees as well.  Their elderly leader died not so long ago, so perhaps that is why they have taken up one so young.  She also attends the one near her 'halls' in London.  She is very committed.
Matilda has also been keeping in touch.  Firstly I need not knit those black fingerless gloves - yeah! Black wool is almost impossible to see when you knit.
She is going to Switzerland with her mum at the end of March.  They are always travelling my family, Karen and Andrew are off to Paris end of this month.  Perhaps I should renew my passport as well ;)  I fancy a train trip to Settle in Yorkshire, staying for a couple of days.  Not for the town but for the long train ride through the Yorkshire countryside.
Also another birthday present has popped up.  It is a journal. With Mum on its front, apparently I have to write my life history in it, which will be somewhat boring.  Get my old fountain pen back into use.  Funny how tapping out our thoughts on a computer is so much easier though.  I have just been reading a blog on 'cursive' writing as well.  Remember in primary school how you had a thin line and a fat line to do all the well printed handwriting, squiggles were allowed later.


  1. I got cross on Cro's blog due to a comment he answered with a nasty mention of Scout Leaders. So big well done to Lillie.
    Ian Hislop has taken on many people during his time at Private Eye - He's a star too

  2. Yes I did notice Sue. Lillie works hard for the rather large group of little boys she has to look after. She bakes for events and money raising for the buses they need to take the children on trips. It is people who give up their time on a voluntary basis that keep society running of course.

  3. We need more talk shows like your LBC. It is really important that the ridiculousness and deception of what is unfolding be underscored and discussed with all the certainty of Ian Hislop.

    I think it is wonderful that your children are interested in your memories and thoughts. Drag out that fountain pen and write on, sistah. (PS Penmanship! Oh how I hated it. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get good marks in it. My writing never had the correct 'slant' and I always wound up smearing the ink when I tried to make the letters slant correctly. Oh the despair of a left handed child!!!)


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