Tuesday, January 21, 2025

21st January 2025

Yesterday was a bad day but I am not going to say anything, only give the New York Times, opinion article on it. Which is worth a read.

 Opinion | Standing Up to Donald Trump’s Fear Tactics - The New York Times


  1. I can't read it without signing up for something, Thelma. I can't stand the man and am hoping he is a huge failure. I see and hear about many who are ready to stand up to him.

  2. I know that you are not a religious person, but Bishop Budde gave a compelling sermon. You will note that tRUMP and Vance were seated in the front row. She looked directly at him when she asked him the questions. She preached that sermon to him.

    I was proud of her. She did what many bootlicking Republicans are unable to do.

    Trump commented later that he did not think it was a very good sermon.

    1. It was a good sermon, though I haven't got to the end Debby. It seems to me, there are many people ready to stand up and call Trump out. Solnit says each becomes a brick in the wall, and if you can't be a brick be the joining mortar. Distraction, fear and bullying is their weapons, not turning the other cheek maybe the opposing forces way of coping.

    2. The end was the best part. She spoke directly to the president. She stood up for the immigrants, for the LGBTQ, and she asked him to show them mercy.

  3. I am not sure how to remedy that Ellen but it was a good article.


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