Friday, January 24, 2025

24th January 2025


The wind buffets the window in sharp gusts.  Storm Eowyn hits our island and there has been the unusual procedure of shutting down shops and stopping trains as well. It will travel over from Northern Ireland, then Scotland and then through the North, covering most of Britain I believe
And my daughter and Andrew have just set off in a taxi to Manchester airport to fly to Paris.  With the proviso that I might see them back later.   I have a fearful nature about my family travelling.  It stems from many years ago when two policemen stood at the doorway and informed me that my first husband had been seriously injured in a car crash - but there it is.

To more down to earth worries, the recycling lorry hasn't been for two weeks and I notice that cardboard over the road is soaked and lying everywhere but I hope we shall not see roofs being torn off and I think it is eminently sensible to ask people to stay at home.

Weather is almost twice as fierce as it was years ago, we are in a climate change and how it is going to pan out I do not know. Luckily the leaves are off the trees taking some of the weight off them.  Below you will see a statement about the new presidency of the USA and his failure to acknowledge the crisis of what is going on.  Well let see if his new techno buddies might get a conscience about what is happening.  Speaking out is our right.

And even to more mundane things, I have battled with my camera, and almost won.  At least I understand all the numerous symbols, and, shame, shame took me two days to find the button to take a picture but it has been an interesting time to learn, and though I might not use all those symbols preferring the computer to clean up my photos and with the help of Andrew, who ordered the right gadget to transfer photos from my camera to the computer will be ready for the spring


  1. It has been cold here for over a week. Not as severe as what we regularly knew in our New England or Wyoming years, but still, COLD. The wood stove hasn't been used in two days as J. has decided something is partially blocking the chimney and the roof too icy to clamber up and investigate.
    There is nowhere that we must go, the auxiliary heat has taken over, the larder is well-stocked. Still, I think we are about to experience a bout of 'cabin fever!'
    Like you, I am on edge when family are traveling beyond the usual circuit--as though accidents couldn't happen closer to home.

  2. Well they have arrived safely, 'smoothest journey ever'! I am told. Of course it is a ridiculous fear but such things haunt one's imagination. The weather will eventually change to a more spring like atmosphere, it is just the waiting is so long;)

  3. Glad your daughter and Andrew got to Paris safely. Hope the weather eases up without doing much damage, Thelma. Good luck with your camera!

    1. The weather eased up quite quickly Ellen though in northern Ireland there are a lot of houses without power.

  4. I am glad that your kids got to Paris safely. Trump...I have to say that I'm trying to be practical and sensible, but these days are frightening. The cruelty just takes my breath away. Mostly what bothers me is how quickly the media want to dismiss very alarming signs. "It wasn't a Nazi salute," is a good example. The changes that are happening right now will impact people quite severely...and this is only Day 4. People are appalled and people are standing up to confront what is happening. I just hope it is not too late.

    1. Well it will just move through the system Debby and then there will be a revolt and something else will appear.

  5. Our last recycling collection was before Christmas! Fortunately, the houses have garages to stack the cardboard in. They say for just this once we can put it next to the bin. Hope it's not raining or windy on Monday nigh.

  6. Our basement is full of cardboard Tasker, I said the other day if you have invested in the companies that make cardboard they must be having a good run, but I expect Amazon has it all wrapped up.


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