Friday, January 3, 2025

3rd january 2024

 Friday:  It is Andrew's birthday today.    It is my birthday next Wednesday so we will go out to my favourite restaurant, 'Staff of Life' on this coming Sunday, there will be six of us.

Capricorns have a somewhat negative write-up as far as their star (the goat) is concerned.  Coupled with the fact it is soon after Xmas and everyone is broke to buy a second lot of presents.  Our birthdays happen in the midst of winter, the light is beginning to return but snow, ice and rain make it miserable outside.

I am still  researching  cameras, I seem to have settled on a DSLR - digital single-lens  reflex though that means little to me, and it is a toss up between a Canon EOS  2000D or the 4000, it is so complicated and confusing.

Returning to taking photos or even my wobbly videos is still of interest to me, though I have a great backlog of photos to wander through my life. 

Now for some music, I used to love the sound of the organ (played well) in the church but voices are equally pleasing, so for an uplifting experience and a reminder you can always find something happy through the day to listen to.

The voices blended so beautifully, it reminds me of those years at the convent, there is also this Veni,Veni Emmanuel.  One cold December filing down to the icy church to practise again and again the above carol. I got my middle 'catholic' name at this time, though it was lost on a non committed religious me.  Though by the law of the church I was  supposedly excommunicated because my first marriage was in a C of E church, does that still apply I wonder or was it the vicar at the time making the rules up.

The above photo of my confirmation, my then, who I thought of as my brother, besides me to join in the day.  As I look at the photo I see no DNA linking us.  He was the grandson of our Jewish grandfather who brought me up after I had been adopted. Looking at the photo I think it was my biological mother who must have insisted on my Catholic upbringing.

We were together as children and then harshly parted when a divorce occurred in the family.  I also remember it happened around this time, and walking down the stairs at the convent to face my new life with a new stepmother who I disliked intensely.  Funny what music brings up;)


  1. Good luck with finding the right camera for you. I like the fact that for both of those models you can change the lenses. I can't on my Canon sx70 but it does have 65x manual zoom. I don't understand all the technical stuff but weight might be a factor. Do you have somewhere like a Jessops where you can look at both models to help you decide?

    1. Hi Ruta, it is all very confusing but as you say I can use different lens on both of them. Now I shall just brood for a couple of weeks before I get one. And no we haven't got a Jessop near unless I go to one of the big towns but I will check online. Thelma who has once again turned Anon.

  2. Revelatory bits and pieces appear in your blogposts from time to time Thelma. Put together, they speak of unusual twists and turns in the long path of your life. You are a survivor - that's for sure. Nice to hear Gaudete again.

    1. Yes Neil my childhood was so complicated it is difficult to straighten out but I think coming to terms with all the ins and outs has made me look back with a more sympathetic eye.

  3. I never knew that you'd been in a convent. Your varied background and experiences has given you an outlook that most people don't have.

  4. When the family break up occurred Debby I caught the very strong flu that raged round the country at the time. The nuns nursed me through it, it was after the above photo because I became very thin and had to recuperate for months, again at the convent. They were very good the nuns.

    1. How nice. So often the childrens' remembrances of nuns tends to be unpleasant.

  5. I am just curious about your feelings towards your step mother. Can you see a bigger picture now about the circumstances? Was she a bad person?

    1. No she was not a bad person Andrew, just a very different person. I had been used to a lot of freedom and she tended to smother ;)

  6. I was raised Catholic and the outfits in your photo look like my First Communion outfit. I think we received Confirmation when I was in 8th grade (before we went to high school). I quit religion about 14 years ago as I had been questioning everything I had been taught for quite awhile. None of my children were Catholic by then either. You are a strong person to have gone through such a complicated life, Thelma. I'm glad you share your memories with us.

    1. Well Ellen I suppose I need to clear things for my family. I did not have a normal childhood but it was a good one.

  7. Sweet photo. Did you have a nice relationship with your 'brother'?
    And yes, a lot of Jews morphed into Christianity in the past century. It was quite common in English towns.

  8. He was younger so I always had to look after him Liam. We had a close relationship, then almost the last time I saw him , he was crying his eyes out, as was our cousin, as they were taken back to boarding school. Funnily enough they escaped! and got on a train to somewhere but obviously got caught.


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