Friday, February 16, 2018

16th February

Walking conditions ;) very muddy and slippery, this is the verge we have to walk along to get to the public footpath....

Things that get lost with time, those hidden edges of land.  This where the cherry trees blossom, and snowdrops romp away hidden from sight.  Through the fence you will see Nelson's little smallholding.

The bridge walkers have to brave, see how narrow it is, sheep going to market I wonder?  These bridges, especially the old pack bridges, see photo of Egton Bridge below, are one of the lovely features round Yorkshire, we have several near us.

The river in its winter coat and two walkers making their way to Bridge Farm, they passed me but I am so slow pottering along photographing stuff.

Again looking back at Nelson's couple of fields, with his hens, ducks, geese, and sheep.  On the footpath in spring we often come across hen's eggs that have been stolen by presumably the fox, but does Mr Fox wade through the river?

So to pack horse bridges, the Egton Bridge though famous has been replaced by  road and rail bridges.


  1. Lovely old bridge. We have many similar ones in the Dales - most of them still in use if looking rather precarious.

  2. Bridges are engineering wonders, the old bridges small and graceful.


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