Saturday, April 20, 2019

Saturday 20th April

We took a trip to Castle Howard Garden centre yesterday, I wanted one of those fancy tripods for sweet peas. Well I found one and along the way (though the place was stacked with flowering plants) only bought three tomato plants.  Those cost me an 'arm and a leg', apparently because they are grafted.
There is something truly magnificent about the land and grounds round this
'over the top mansion', the care and love that has gone into the land but also the sheer effect of what wealth can do. 

Taken from their website.

Age has blended this bridge beautifully into the surrounding landscape, a picture of tranquil beauty, I can only pray that it will outlive the fracking danger that dominates the North Yorkshire landscape at the moment.
But to other things, four mugs are winging their way here, to join the four I already own.  They come in my favourite colour - turquoise, have always given me such pleasure when I drink my morning coffee, the smooth roundness of the shape, but as hospitality unfolded I realise four was not enough, now I need a larger coffee jug of course.  Strange how gray has crept into the picture of fashionable colour, have been knitting all my gray wools together with shots of a multi-colour wool.  But my third weaving attempt will be shades of yellow.

Dried flowers


  1. You are right about the bridge, fits perfectly in the scene.

    1. And of course leading nowhere. The 18th century follies, water ways and statues were put together by various owners and have melded beautifully over time.

  2. Lovely tranquil photographs all - both inside and outside.

    1. Sometimes I think I prefer photos to writing ;)

  3. Turquoise is my favorite color too----love the mugs. What a lovely feel they must have.

  4. It is a very uplifting colour, and they do feel very smooth, but make rather large mugs of coffee.


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