Sunday, September 22, 2019

A short break on Climate Change.

Apologies;  I can see some people getting their knickers in a twist about Thunberg and Monbiot appearing here.  But I would rather hear an optimistic note then a pessimistic note.  As humans we are good at fighting sadly, but surely the cause is big enough for a different type of fight.  
Selfishness is not a human right, we should be thinking about those who will take on this Earth after us.  We cannot have all the goodies in the jar it is now time to share with the rest of the world and do something EVEN if it means taking up a much leaner lifestyle.


  1. For years our politicians have been sleep-walking into ecological disaster. Even now Trump and that pillock in Brazil deny the truth. It has been so heartening to watch the youth of the planet waking up and protesting. All power to them I say.

  2. I like the emphasis in this video of doing positive things like planting trees. In memory of my husband 150 trees were planted in a California forest, a great memorial and good for the planet.

  3. Unfortunately it is no longer a choice. As millions of humans become displaced and large portions of our food supply dwindle, we will all have to compromise greatly.


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