Monday, September 30, 2019


If you use the method engineers use - root cause analysis - to ask why three systemic disruptions are happening at once (financial, climatic and demographic), you would quickly trace them to their cause; an economic system in disequilibrium with its environment and insufficient to satisfy the needs of a rapidly changing humanity.   Mason in Post Capitalism

Has it ever occurred to anyone that Brexit is not the beginning and end of our fate?  Reading Paul Mason and the problems that lie ahead are more vital.  For instance I am a problem, getting old, will I in the future demand a care package from the state? Have I enough money to live off? am I part of the demographics of the older population creating a burden on state care?  Or on the other hand would I contribute to the earnings of a workforce by needing help.  Because we are so good at treating illness in people more of us live to grand old ages, but we become a burden on the young...

Then there is the Climate Emergency, how do we tackle that? all the figures don't actually add up as far as the government is concerned.  To keep within the figure we are expected to will cost money, but also it will create jobs in making sustainable energy.  What we need is not the so called key economic movers in society calling the odds but a more rounded approach where people  through such things as co-operatives and groups run their areas.  Top-down government is becoming a bit of a liability, in fact it is not working.

I started thinking about Brexit, but to be quite honest Europe might fall apart when we leave, that is why we are having such a hard time with them at the moment.  What we are living through now is transitory, the Common Market  or the EU may be a failed experiment already tumbling down through space. We have to devise another way of living.

Technology advances at a steady rate, the need to work in the future will become less, we will have access to an internet that will fulfill every need.  Phone the supermarket for food, bank online, work online and then those trade people we need for services will also be there.   We need energy to run all these things, and there are areas such as transport where we need to catch up.  Even medical stuff to some degree can be done through the computer.  Of course we are already starting to lose the 'human touch' and that maybe would lay us open to more evil forces.  But faith in humanity has to stand.

The thing is we measure the future through our eyes, but we are 'past', old ideas, old ways and old thinking govern our thoughts.  There is a lot of talk about 'old white men' and the way they think, see how they jump to the fore in America when it comes to being president.  Is it because they are wiser? mmmm.  

At the moment we are seeing a younger version of the OWM in our prime minister, unfortunately he is being called out by women for un-gallant handling of them, though I must admit twenty year old offences are a bit difficult to get one's head around.  But he belongs to a class of male to whom privilege is seen as a right, but one has to admit that women are slowly dismantling the male power over them - and not before time. 


  1. I so agree with all thatyou say here Thelma. How I wish we could have a coffee together every week and discuss it in more detail. We live just too far away from one another to make this possible I think. Still thinking of you. x

  2. This business of 'getting old' poses serious questions for all of us in that category. We are never ready for the changes in our own circumstances or those of our family.
    In terms of government policies--one can only feel helpless--in spite of doing one's civic duty by voting in elections.
    [I've written several comments recently--not showing as posted--maybe your settings are not returned to former status?]

  3. I'm sure you're right about the EU 'failed experiment'. Germany is going into recession, Spain Portugal Italy and Greece are all broke, and the UK's billions soon won't be forthcoming. Things don't look good.

  4. Just came across your blog...... Trying to read a lot, to get a handle on your views. I usually need to know more, about an interesting blog, than that it gives lots of information. And is written by a person, with a mind, which she/he is fully using. (Dare I say, unlike blogs, just about recipes, knitting, decorating, etc. Nothing wrong with such!!!! It's just that I want IDEAS, now and then.)

    You think!!!!!! -smile- And you write about what you think!!!

    I like to ponder too.

    It did sadden me, when you linked to an article in MS. Magazine. I remember when it was founded! So see how old I am??? -grin- But it is now, a strident voice of women, who march in lock step, proclaiming views, which I doubt they have even really thought about. Everyone in their "tribe", is saying them... So to be accepted, they have to declare them toooo. -sigh-

    But!!!! You did end that part, with an interesting little "Is it because they're wiser? Mmmmmmm" Which leaves your meaning, unknown to me. Guess I'm too dense for hints. -smirk-

    Wow! What a lot of words, in what a long comment, hu??????? So difficult to really quietly discuss, on the net.

    OK, I'll close, by saying... Hello! From an Elder woman, across the pond. Happy to have Net-met you!!!!!



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