Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tuesday 3rd September

Well shuffling through the news at the moment; they mentioned on the Farming programme that a large estate of farms in East Anglia had been sold in East Anglia for £200,000,000 million to a group of European investors.  Read here.

And then I read  that a Yorkshire business man has given his Harris Tweed firm somewhere in the Western Islands to the manager of the firm for free so that the business could go on without losing jobs ,  to quote,

"He said he had given ownership of the mill to local manager Alex Lockerby as a gift to prevent it from being bought by "financial vultures".

Well yes there is a difference but is it not wonderful that finance doesn't always call the tune, and of course he comes from Yorkshire.....

What else, Alistair Campbell, remember him? another who doesn't watch the news anymore taking down Johnson and Trump as the liars they are, and the fact that the media seems in cohorts with the right wing faction that is running the country at the moment.  (Sorry Pat but news can be interesting). Article here in the Free European.

But here is a story told by Graham who so generously helped me make that bed up on the weekend, though he did the majority of work.  It is the tale of buying a new electric car and the fibs that go round on sales pitch.

He had been told (no exact figures here) that the car would run about 250 miles, so on his trip to Scotland from Yorkshire it would get him there, well it showed 200 miles and it was running out.  So he started the game of trying to find a charger, simples if you are on a motorway.  But came upon the sad fact that there are different chargers which did not necessarily fit his car.  Long waits, 24 hours to be precise before he got home.  The car went back to the dealer and the old car retrieved, the rest to go through the courts. I presume technology has got ahead of itself, and the one hand has not figured out the other need for chargers....


  1. The idea of electric cars is a good one but in practice we are not ready for them. Electric cars would of course massively help to improve air quality in our cities. My son often drives an electric car loaned to him by Renault. He loves it but it is mostly just driven around London.

    1. I have only ever been in one once, and the silence was a bit eerie. They are good in cities as are small cars.

  2. Thanks to all the Beta testers out there.

    1. Yes it would have been better if they had worked it out before the cars were on the road.

  3. From the experiences of the one or two people I know with electric cars - we are not yet ready for them. There are not enough chargers and there are too many problems.
    Yes, I agree about the news Thelma - it is just that it is all to depressing and I can't face it. Cowardly I know.

    1. Well I suppose someone had to test them and unfortunately it is the people who buy them.

  4. I have seen charging stations on major highways but never locally. This might have to do with the powers that be have all their money invested in oil.

    1. To a certain degree electric cars are the new boys on the block, considered green compared to petrol, but they have a lot of catching up and in the end they are still a car using up resources.

  5. I have no faith in electric cars for that reason, plus the fact that the electricity to power them still has to come from somewhere.

    Trying to avoid the news at the moment, as it gets ever more frantic and chaotic.

  6. Well I am not sure that I would ever take an electric car to Wales, all those beautiful lanes going on for miles. Well the news has taken another downhill spiral yesterday.


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